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SQL VIEW Unsupported Data Type

I'm trying to create a SQL View that pulls 2 tables together each from a different DB. The SQL works fine in the query editor but when I try to run it as a view all the columns from the MSP_EpmProject table say "Unsupported DataType".

SELECT     TOP (200) dbo.Project.ProjectID, dbo.Project.ProjectGUID, dbo.Project.ProjectName, dbo.Project.DefaultBaselineID, 
                      FMM_ProjectServer_Reporting.dbo.MSP_EpmProject.ProjectName AS Expr1
FROM         dbo.Project INNER JOIN
                      FMM_ProjectServer_Reporting.dbo.MSP_EpmProject ON dbo.Project.ProjectGUID = FMM_ProjectServer_Reporting.dbo.MSP_EpmProject.ProjectUID
like image 883
user1842828 Avatar asked May 03 '13 15:05


1 Answers

Check out this bug report - http://connect.microsoft.com/SQLServer/feedback/details/464339/unsupported-data-type-reported-for-supported-data-types-in-nested-query

It appears to be a long standing issue from SQL 2005 which they still havent fixed.

The work around appears to be to not work with your view in design mode, you will have to develop this view manually in query analyzer.

like image 73
EkoostikMartin Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 13:10
