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SQL : Using GROUP BY and MAX on multiple columns




I have an issue with an SQL Query. Lets take this example data

itemID  catID  attrib1  attrib2
  1       1       10       5   
  2       1       10       7
  3       1        5      10
  4       2       18      15

I want to return the best item for each category (with attrib1 having priority over attrib2)

Obviously, SELECT catID, MAX(attrib1), MAX(attrib2) FROM test_table GROUP BY catID doesn't work since it will return 10 & 10 for the 1st cat.

So is there anyway to tell MySQL to select max value from attrib2 row but only consider the ones where attrib1 is also max value ? i.e return the following data

 catID  attrib1  attrib2
   1       10       7   
   2       18      15
like image 583
Charles Avatar asked Oct 28 '10 17:10


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If you want to understand VALUE try this query which creates a virtual 1 column table: SELECT * FROM (VALUES (1), (5), (1)) as listOfValues(columnName) And this query which creates a virtual 2 column table: SELECT * FROM (VALUES (1,2), (5,3), (1,4)) as tableOfValues(columnName1, ColumnName2) Now you can understand why ...

How does GROUP BY work with multiple columns in SQL?

We can group the resultset in SQL on multiple column values. When we define the grouping criteria on more than one column, all the records having the same value for the columns defined in the group by clause are collectively represented using a single record in the query output.

Can GROUP BY be used with multiple columns?

Yes, it is possible to use MySQL GROUP BY clause with multiple columns just as we can use MySQL DISTINCT clause.

Can we use GROUP BY with Max?

Example - Using SQL GROUP BY ClauseIn some cases, you will be required to use the SQL GROUP BY clause with the SQL MAX function. For example, you could also use the SQL MAX function to return the name of each department and the maximum salary in the department.

1 Answers

You can get the best attrib1 values, and then join in the attrib2 values and get the best of those for each attrib1 value:

select t2.catID, t2.attrib1, max(t2.attrib2)
  select catID, max(attrib1) as attrib1
  from test_table
  group by catID
) t1
inner join test_table t2 on t2.catID = t1.catID and t2.attrib1 = t1.attrib1
group by t2.catID, t2.attrib1
like image 164
Guffa Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 11:09
