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SQL sort by version "number", a string of varying length



People also ask

How do I SELECT a specific length in SQL?

To query for string fields with a specific length, use the char_length() or length() from MySQL.

How do I sort last 3 characters of a string in SQL?

SELECT *FROM yourTableName ORDER BY RIGHT(yourColumnName,3) yourSortingOrder; Just replace the 'yourSortingOrder' to ASC or DESC to set the ascending or descending order respectively.

How do you find the length of a string in SQL?

The LEN() function returns the length of a string. Note: Trailing spaces at the end of the string is not included when calculating the length. However, leading spaces at the start of the string is included when calculating the length. Tip: Also look at the DATALENGTH() function.

In PostgreSQL you can do:

SELECT * FROM Requirements
ORDER BY string_to_array(version, '.')::int[];

This last ::int[] makes it convert string values into integers and then compare as such.

For best results, refactor version number storage so that each section has it's own column: MajorVersion, MinorVersion, Revision, Build. Then the ordering problem suddenly becomes trivial. You can also build a computed column for easy retrieval of the full string.

SELECT * FROM Requirements 
WHERE Requirements.Release NOT LIKE '%Obsolete%' 
ORDER BY cast('/' + replace(Requirements.ReqNum , '.', '/') + '/' as hierarchyid);

A slight variation on @vuttipong-l answer (T-SQL)

SELECT VersionNumber
SELECT '6.1.3' VersionNumber UNION
SELECT '6.1.12' 
) AS q
ORDER BY cast('/' + VersionNumber + '/' as hierarchyid)

Works in SQL Server starting with 2008, dots are OK in a string representation of a hierarchyid column, so we don't need to replace them with slashes. A quote from the doc:

Comparison is performed by comparing the integer sequences separated by dots in dictionary order.

There's one caveat though: the version segments must not be prefixed with zeroes.

If you are in SQL Server land...

DECLARE @string varchar(40)
SET @string = ''
SELECT PARSENAME(@string, 1), PARSENAME(@string, 2), PARSENAME(@string, 3), PARSENAME(@string, 4)

Results: 4, 3, 2, 1

Useful for parsing IP Addresses and other dotted items, such as a version number. (You can use REPLACE() to convert items into dotted notation too... e.g. 1-2-3-4 ->