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SQL Set Difference




How would I do the following in SQL:

select distinct(territory_id) from main_territorypricing


select distinct(territory_id) from main_territorypricing where store_url is not null

Basically, I want all territory_ids that are contained in the top line that are not contained in the second line.

like image 492
David542 Avatar asked Jan 15 '15 21:01


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2 Answers

If you want to do as you said:

select distinct territory_id 
from main_territorypricing
where territory_id not in (
    select territory_id from main_territorypricing where store_url is not null

But based on the logic of what you have described, the easier solution is:

select territory_id 
    from main_territorypricing
    where store_url is null

This, is, provided that you have only these two fields (territory_id and store_url) and the rows are unique.

Otherwise, there is another tricky solution:

select territory_id 
from main_territorypricing
group by territory_id 
having (max(store_url) is null)
like image 123
Alisa Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 18:10


select distinct(territory_id) from main_territorypricing
    territory_id in
      (select territory_id from main_territorypricing)
and territory_id not in 
    (select territory_id from main_territorypricing where store_url is not null)
like image 42
David542 Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 19:10
