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SQL Server Stored Procedure Output Params in PHP

I need help running a stored procedure from SQL Server in PHP. PHP is running on a Unix/Linux server. We cannot get OUTPUT variables to return in PHP. The following is the PHP code:

$conn = mssql_connect('server', 'user', 'pass');
    mssql_select_db('db', $conn);

    $procedure = mssql_init('usp_StoredProc', $conn);

    $tmpVar1 = 'value';
    $tmpVar2 = 'value2';

    $outVar1 = '';
    $outVar2 = '';

    mssql_bind($procedure, "@var1", $tmpVar1, SQLVARCHAR, false, false);
    mssql_bind($procedure, "@var2", $tmpVar2, SQLVARCHAR, false, false);

    mssql_bind($procedure, "@outVar1", $outVar1, SQLVARCHAR, true);
    mssql_bind($procedure, "@outVar2", $outVar2, SQLVARCHAR, true);



The stored procedure looks like so :


ALTER proc [dbo].[usp_StoredProc]
    @var1 as varchar(36), 
    @var2 as varchar(10), 
    @outVar1 varchar(36) OUTPUT, 
    @outVar2 varchar(36) OUTPUT 
  select distinct 
    @outVar1 = row1, 
    @outVar2 = row2
  from table1
  where column1 = @var1
    and column2 = @var2

Can anyone tell me why $outVar1 and $outVar2 are not being populated? Thanks a lot for any help!

like image 259
ericwindham Avatar asked Jan 26 '09 19:01


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1 Answers

According to this page on PHP bugs, you have to (emphasis mine):

call mssql_next_result() for each result set returned by the SP. This way you can handle multiple results.

When mssql_next_result() returns false you will have access to output parameters and return value.

like image 174
Tomalak Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 02:10
