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SQL Server ORDER BY date and nulls last

I am trying to order by date. I want the most recent dates coming in first. That's easy enough, but there are many records that are null and those come before any records that have a date.

I have tried a few things with no success:

ORDER BY ISNULL(Next_Contact_Date, 0)  ORDER BY ISNULL(Next_Contact_Date, 999999999)  ORDER BY coalesce(Next_Contact_Date, 99/99/9999) 

How can I order by date and have the nulls come in last? The data type is smalldatetime.

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UpHelix Avatar asked May 04 '11 16:05


People also ask

How do I sort by NULLs last in SQL?

If you sort a column with NULL values in ascending order, the NULLs will come first. Alternatively, if you add a DESC keyword to get a descending order, NULLs will appear last.

How are NULL values sorted in a regular ORDER BY clause?

If you specify the ORDER BY clause, NULL values by default are ordered as less than values that are not NULL. Using the ASC order, a NULL value comes before any non-NULL value; using DESC order, the NULL comes last.

Which is the right answer to the following ORDER BY name asc displays NULLs last?

The answer is - SQL Server treats NULL values as the lowest values. For example when sorted in ascending order, NULLs come first.

IS NULL values are displayed last in ascending sequences?

1 Answer. The correct answer is, option (a): Null values are displayed last in the ascending sequences.

1 Answers

smalldatetime has range up to June 6, 2079 so you can use

ORDER BY ISNULL(Next_Contact_Date, '2079-06-05T23:59:00') 

If no legitimate records will have that date.

If this is not an assumption you fancy relying on a more robust option is sorting on two columns.

ORDER BY CASE WHEN Next_Contact_Date IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END, Next_Contact_Date 

Both of the above suggestions are not able to use an index to avoid a sort however and give similar looking plans.

enter image description here

One other possibility if such an index exists is

SELECT 1 AS Grp, Next_Contact_Date  FROM T  WHERE Next_Contact_Date IS NOT NULL UNION ALL SELECT 2 AS Grp, Next_Contact_Date  FROM T  WHERE Next_Contact_Date IS NULL ORDER BY Grp, Next_Contact_Date 


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Martin Smith Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 22:10

Martin Smith