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SQL Server - Generate script without primary key

I'm trying to make a generated script of my data (I mean, all the INSERT INTO commands). Because access permissions, I can't do a SET IDENTITY_INSERT TABLE OFF and ON (I'm using the user application in Staging)

So, there is a way to make this script in SQL Server Manager and avoid the field with the primary key? I set to false all properties (primary, unique, etc), but the script is still sending this field (For e.g., RecID 1, 2, 3, etc).

I'm using SQL Server 2012.

My configuration for the script:

enter image description here

Results I get:

INSERT INTO TABLE (ID,Field1) VALUES (1,'value')

Any solution (except for removing it with Notepad++) is appreciated.

like image 844
Leandro Bardelli Avatar asked May 14 '13 18:05

Leandro Bardelli

People also ask

Can we create table without primary key in SQL Server?

The data columns in your table might not need a primary key. To replicate tables that do not have primary keys, you can specify a unique index or add the ERKEY shadow columns.

How do I create a script file in SQL Server?

Open the SQL Server Management Studio. In the Object Explorer, expand Databases, and then locate the database that you want to script. Right-click the database, point to Tasks, and then select Generate Scripts.

2 Answers

A bit of a work around, but sometimes useful quick and dirty way of doing these things:


The result set will be a row for each insert statement for every row in the table TABLE. The INSERT statement is generated from concatenating the INSERT statement text with the values in Field1.

like image 68
FlipperPA Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 15:10


There is another way to do this which is a bit more automatic and a lot less faffy when you have a lot of columns of different data types; given a table T:

  ID int identity,
  C1 nvarchar(255),
  C2 datetime

...select everything except the identity column into a new table:

select C1, C2, ... into InterimTable from T


  1. Run the Generate Scripts wizard on InterimTable.
  2. Use whatever tool you have to search the SQL for InterimTable and replace with T
  3. Run
like image 30
Whelkaholism Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 14:10
