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SQL Server doesn't use index in stored procedure

I haven't solved this issue by using the stored procedure, yet we've decided to surpass the SP and just execute the plain ol' SQL

Please see the extended table scheme below
Edit 2: Updated the index (to not use actieGroep anymore)
NB. SQL Server 2005 Enterprise 9.00.4035.00
NB2. Seems related to http://www.sqlservercentral.com/Forums/Topic781451-338-1.aspx

I've got two indices on a table:

  • A clustered PK index on statistiekId
  • An non-clustered index on foreignId

And I have the following piece of code:

SET @fid = 873926

SELECT foreignId
FROM STAT_Statistieken
WHERE foreignId = @fid

This executes just the way it should; it points to the correct index, and all it does is scanning the index.

Now I am creating a stored procedure:

    SELECT foreignId
    FROM STAT_Statistieken
    WHERE foreignId = @fid

Running the thing:

EXEC MyProcedure @fid = 873926

Now it's running a clustered index scan on my PK index! Wtf is going on?

So I changed the SP to

SELECT foreignId
FROM STAT_Statistieken
    WITH (INDEX(IX_STAT_Statistieken_2))
WHERE foreignId = @fid

And now it gives: Query processor could not produce a query plan because of the hints defined in this query. Resubmit the query without specifying any hints and without using SET FORCEPLAN. While the same function is running just like it should when executing this directly.

Extra info: full scheme which can reproduce this behaviour (English names in commentary)


CREATE TABLE [dbo].[STAT_Statistieken](
    [statistiekId] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    [foreignId] [bigint] NOT NULL,
    [datum] [datetime] NOT NULL, --date
    [websiteId] [int] NOT NULL,
    [actieId] [int] NOT NULL, --actionId
    [objectSoortId] [int] NOT NULL, --kindOfObjectId
    [aantal] [bigint] NOT NULL, --count
    [secondaryId] [int] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((0)),
    [dagnummer]  AS (datediff(day,CONVERT([datetime],'2009-01-01 00:00:00.000',(121)),[datum])) PERSISTED, --daynumber
    [actieGroep]  AS (substring(CONVERT([varchar](4),[actieId],0),(1),(1))) PERSISTED,
        [statistiekId] ASC
    ) ON [PRIMARY]


CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_STAT_Statistieken_foreignId_dagnummer_actieId_secondaryId] ON [dbo].[STAT_Statistieken] 
    [foreignId] ASC,
    [dagnummer] ASC,
    [actieId] ASC,
    [secondaryId] ASC



    DECLARE @maand INT, @jaar INT, @foreignId BIGINT
    SET @maand = 9
    SET @jaar = 2009
    SET @foreignId = 828319

DECLARE @startDate datetime, @endDate datetime
SET @startDate = DATEADD(month, -1, CONVERT(datetime,CAST(@maand AS varchar(3))+'-01-'+CAST(@jaar AS varchar(5))))
SET @endDate = DATEADD(month, 1, CONVERT(datetime,CAST(@maand AS varchar(3))+'-01-'+CAST(@jaar AS varchar(5))))

DECLARE @firstDayDezeMaand datetime
SET @firstDayDezeMaand = CONVERT(datetime, CAST(@jaar AS VARCHAR(4)) + '/' + CAST(@maand AS VARCHAR(2)) + '/1')

DECLARE @daynumberFirst int
set @daynumberFirst = DATEDIFF(day, '2009/01/01', @firstDayDezeMaand)

DECLARE @startDiff int
SET @startDiff = DATEDIFF(day, '2009/01/01', @startDate)

DECLARE @endDiff int
SET @endDiff = DATEDIFF(day, '2009/01/01', @endDate)

SELECT @foreignId AS foreignId,
    SUM(CASE WHEN dagnummer >= @daynumberFirst THEN (CASE WHEN actieId BETWEEN 100 AND 199 THEN aantal ELSE 0 END) ELSE 0 END) as aantalGevonden, 
    SUM(CASE WHEN dagnummer >= @daynumberFirst THEN (CASE WHEN actieId BETWEEN 200 AND 299 THEN aantal ELSE 0 END) ELSE 0 END) as aantalBekeken, 
    SUM(CASE WHEN dagnummer >= @daynumberFirst THEN (CASE WHEN actieId BETWEEN 300 AND 399 THEN aantal ELSE 0 END) ELSE 0 END) as aantalContact,
    SUM(CASE WHEN dagnummer < @daynumberFirst THEN (CASE WHEN actieId BETWEEN 100 AND 199 THEN aantal ELSE 0 END) ELSE 0 END) as aantalGevondenVorige, 
    SUM(CASE WHEN dagnummer < @daynumberFirst THEN (CASE WHEN actieId BETWEEN 200 AND 299 THEN aantal ELSE 0 END) ELSE 0 END) as aantalBekekenVorige, 
    SUM(CASE WHEN dagnummer < @daynumberFirst THEN (CASE WHEN actieId BETWEEN 300 AND 399 THEN aantal ELSE 0 END) ELSE 0 END) as aantalContactVorige
FROM STAT_Statistieken
    dagnummer >= @startDiff
    AND dagnummer < @endDiff
    AND foreignId = @foreignId 
OPTION(OPTIMIZE FOR (@foreignId = 837334, @startDiff = 200, @endDiff = 300))

DBCC Statistics

Name                                                          | Updated               | Rows      | Rows smpl | Steps | Density | Avg. key | String index
IX_STAT_Statistieken_foreignId_dagnummer_actieId_secondaryId    Oct  6 2009  3:46PM 1245058    1245058    92    0,2492834    28    NO

All Density  | Avg. Length | Columns
3,227035E-06    8    foreignId
2,905271E-06    12    foreignId, dagnummer
2,623274E-06    16    foreignId, dagnummer, actieId
2,623205E-06    20    foreignId, dagnummer, actieId, secondaryId
8,031755E-07    28    foreignId, dagnummer, actieId, secondaryId, statistiekId

-1         0            2         0                     1
1356       3563         38        1297                  2,747109
8455       14300        29        6761                  2,115072

And the index is used as shown in the execution plan. When I wrap this up in a procedure with this params:

@foreignId bigint,
@maand int, --month
@jaar int --year

And run it with _SP_TEMP @foreignId = 873924, @maand = 9, @jaar = 2009

It does a clustered index scan!

like image 673
Jan Jongboom Avatar asked Sep 30 '09 10:09

Jan Jongboom

People also ask

Why index is not being used in SQL Server?

Analysis: SQL Server might ignore the index if the range is too wide. For example, these two queries will probably hit the index on the LastUpdated column in a 300 million rows table because the range is very narrow.

Can we create index on stored procedure in SQL Server?

There are two ways to create an index, either when creating a table, or using the CREATE INDEX statement. CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_name ON table_name (column_name); The CREATE INDEX statement is mapped to an ALTER TABLE statement to create indexes (see ALTER).

Why is my query not using index?

The reason the non-clustered index is not used is because it is more efficient to select the single row using the unique primary key clustered index. You can't get any faster than that to select all columns for a single row (barring a hash index on an in-memory table). Save this answer.

2 Answers


The PERSISTED-not-being-used issue below occurs only with actieGroep/actieId on my system (SQL 2008). But it's possible that the same problem could be happening on your SQL 2005 system with the dagnummer/datum columns as well. If indeed that's happening, it would explain the behavior you're seeing, since a clustered index scan would be required to filter for values of datum. To diagnose whether this is indeed happening, simply add the datum column as an INCLUDE-d column to your index, like this:

CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_STAT_Statistieken_1] ON [dbo].[STAT_Statistieken]  
    [foreignId] DESC,  
    [dagnummer] DESC,  
    [actieId] ASC,   
    [aantal] ASC    

If the problem goes away with this index revision, then you know that dagnummer is the issue-- you can probably even remove dagnummer from the index since SQL isn't using it anyways.

Also, revising your index to add actieId is a good idea since it evades the issue noted below. But in the process you also need to leave the aantal column in the index, so that your index will be a covering index for this query. Otherwise SQL will have to read your clustered index to get the value of that column. This will slow down your query since lookups into the clustered index are quite slow.


Here's a bunch of ideas which may help you fix this, with most likely/easiest things first:

  • When I tried to repro your using schema and queries (with fake generated data), I see that your PERSISTED computed column actieGroep is re-copmputed at runtime instead of the persisted value being used. This looks like a bug in the SQL Server optimizer. Since the underlying column value actieGroep is not present in your covering index IX_STAT_Statistieken_1 index (only the computed column is there), if SQL Server decides that it needs to fetch that additional column, SQL may consider a clustered index to be cheaper than using your non-clustered index and then looking up actieId for each matching row in the cluster index. This is because clustered index lookups are very expensive relative to sequential I/O, so any plan which requires more than a few percent of rows to be looked up is probably cheaper to do with a scan. In any case, if this is indeed the problem you're seeing, then adding actieGroep as an INCLUDE-d column of your IX_STAT_Statistieken_1 index should work around the issue. Like this:

    CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_STAT_Statistieken_1] ON [dbo].[STAT_Statistieken]
    [foreignId] DESC,
    [secondaryId] ASC,
    [actieGroep] ASC,
    [dagnummer] DESC,
    [aantal] ASC
    ) INCLUDE (actieId) ON [PRIMARY]

  • the data type of the computed column actieGroep is a string but you're comparing it to integers (e.g. IN (1,2,3)) in your WHERE clause and CASE statements. If SQL decides to convert the column instead of the constant, it will hurt query perf and may make the computed-column-expansion problem (described above) more likely. I'd strongly suggest changing your computed column definition to an integral type, e.g.

    CASE WHEN actieId BETWEEN 0 AND 9 THEN actieId
    WHEN actieId BETWEEN 10 AND 99 THEN actieId/10
    WHEN actieId BETWEEN 100 AND 999 THEN actieId/100
    WHEN actieId BETWEEN 1000 AND 9999 THEN actieId/1000
    WHEN actieId BETWEEN 10000 AND 99999 THEN actieId/10000
    WHEN actieId BETWEEN 100000 AND 999999 THEN actieId/100000
    WHEN actieId BETWEEN 1000000 AND 9999999 THEN actieId/1000000
    ELSE actieId/10000000 END

  • you're doing a GROUP BY a column which only has one possible value. Therefore, the GROUP BY is unnecessary. Hopefully the optimizer would be smart enough to know this, but you can never be sure.

  • Try using an OPTIMIZE FOR hint instead of directly forcing indexes, that may work around the error you get with your hint

  • Craig Freedman's post http://blogs.msdn.com/craigfr/archive/2009/04/28/implied-predicates-and-query-hints.aspx which describes common causes of the hint-related error message that you're getting when RECOMPILE is used. You may want to review that post and make sure you're running the latest updates to SQL Server.

  • I'm sure you've already done this, but you may want to build a "clean room" version of your data, by doing what we're doing: creating a new DB, use the DDL in your question to create the tables, and then populating the tables with data. If the results you get are different, look closley at the schema in your real table and indexes, and see if they're different.

If none of this works, comment and I can suggest some more wild ideas. :-)

Also, please add the exact version and update level of SQL Server to your question!

like image 97
Justin Grant Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 18:10

Justin Grant

What data type is foreignId in the table? If it's int then you're likely getting an implicit conversion which prevents index seeks. If the data type in the table is int then redefine the parameter to be int as well and you should get an index seek (not an index scan) for this query.

like image 30
GilaMonster Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 18:10
