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SQL Server deadlocks between select/update or multiple selects

All of the documentation on SQL Server deadlocks talks about the scenario in which operation 1 locks resource A then attempts to access resource B and operation 2 locks resource B and attempts to access resource A.

However, I quite often see deadlocks between a select and an update or even between multiple selects in some of our busy applications. I find some of the finer points of the deadlock trace output pretty impenetrable but I would really just like to understand what can cause a deadlock between two single operations. Surely if a select has a read lock the update should just wait before obtaining an exclusive lock and vice versa?

This is happening on SQL Server 2005 not that I think this makes a difference.

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Rob West Avatar asked Mar 19 '09 11:03

Rob West

People also ask

How can we avoid deadlock while updating SQL Server?

Update lock (U) is used to avoid deadlocks. Unlike the Exclusive lock, the Update lock places a Shared lock on a resource that already has another shared lock on it.

Can SELECT query cause deadlock in SQL Server?

SELECT queries take shared locks on the rows they analyze. Shared locks may conflict exclusive locks from update/delete/insert statements. Two SELECT statements are not going to deadlock, but a SELECT can deadlock with an UPDATE.

How can avoid deadlock in SQL Server?

Useful ways to avoid and minimize SQL Server deadlocksTry to keep transactions short; this will avoid holding locks in a transaction for a long period of time. Access objects in a similar logical manner in multiple transactions. Create a covering index to reduce the possibility of a deadlock.

What causes deadlock in SQL Server?

A deadlock problem occurs when two (or more than two) operations already want to access resources locked by the other one. In this circumstance, database resources are affected negatively because both processes are constantly waiting for each other. This contention issue is terminated by the SQL Server intervention.

2 Answers

This can happen because a select takes a lock out on two different indexes, meanwhile an update takes a lock out on the same indexes in the opposite order. The select needs two indexes because the first index doesn't cover all of the columns it needs to access; the update needs two indexes because if you update an index's key column you need to take a lock on it.

http://blogs.msdn.com/bartd/archive/2006/09/25/770928.aspx has a fantastic explanation. Suggested fixes include adding an index that covers all of the columns the select needs, switching to snapshot isolation, or explicitly forcing the select to grab an update lock that it wouldn't normally need.

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David Eison Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 15:09

David Eison

I'm surprised no one has mentioned the WITH (UPDLOCK) locking hint. It's very useful if you have deadlocks involving e.g. two select-insert pairs running in parallel.

In SQL Server, if you issue the selects with WITH (UPDLOCK), the second select will wait until the first select is finished. Otherwise they get shared locks, and when they simultaneously try to upgrade to exclusive locks, they deadlock.

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Ben Challenor Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 15:09

Ben Challenor