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SQL Server: combining multiple rows into one row

I have a SQL query like this;

SELECT *  FROM Jira.customfieldvalue WHERE CUSTOMFIELD = 12534 AND ISSUE = 19602 

And that's the results;

enter image description here

What I want is; showing in one row (cell) combined all STRINGVALUE's and they are separated with a comma. Like this;

SELECT --some process with STRINGVALUE-- FROM Jira.customfieldvalue WHERE CUSTOMFIELD = 12534 AND ISSUE = 19602  Araç Listesi (C2, K1 vb.Belgeler; yoksa Ruhsat Fotokopileri), Min. 5 araç plakası için İnternet Sorgusu, Son 3 Yıla Ait Onaylı Yıl Sonu Bilanço + Gelir Tablosu, Son Yıl (Yıl Sonuna ait) Detay Mizanı, İçinde Bulunduğumuz Yıla ait Ara Dönem Geçici Vergi Beyannamesi, Bayi Yorum E-Maili, Proforma Fatura 

How can I do that?

like image 492
Soner Gönül Avatar asked Nov 04 '11 07:11

Soner Gönül

People also ask

How do you join rows in SQL?

SQL JOIN. A JOIN clause is used to combine rows from two or more tables, based on a related column between them. Notice that the "CustomerID" column in the "Orders" table refers to the "CustomerID" in the "Customers" table. The relationship between the two tables above is the "CustomerID" column.

2 Answers

There are several methods.

If you want just the consolidated string value returned, this is a good quick and easy approach

DECLARE @combinedString VARCHAR(MAX) SELECT @combinedString = COALESCE(@combinedString + ', ', '') + stringvalue FROM jira.customfieldValue WHERE customfield = 12534     AND ISSUE = 19602  SELECT @combinedString as StringValue  

Which will return your combined string.

You can also try one of the XML methods e.g.

SELECT DISTINCT Issue, Customfield, StringValues FROM Jira.customfieldvalue v1 CROSS APPLY ( SELECT StringValues + ','                FROM jira.customfieldvalue v2               WHERE v2.Customfield = v1.Customfield                    AND v2.Issue = v1.issue                ORDER BY ID                    FOR XML PATH('') )  D ( StringValues ) WHERE customfield = 12534     AND ISSUE = 19602 
like image 107
Code Magician Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 04:10

Code Magician

You can achieve this is to combine For XML Path and STUFF as follows:

SELECT (STUFF((         SELECT ', ' + StringValue         FROM Jira.customfieldvalue         WHERE CUSTOMFIELD = 12534         AND ISSUE = 19602         FOR XML PATH('')         ), 1, 2, '')     ) AS StringValue 
like image 35
Karthikeyan P Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 03:10

Karthikeyan P