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Sql Server Agent job running longer than interval between executions

I would like to know what happens if an agent job (with recurring interval) in MS SQL server runs long enough so that it overlaps recurring execution.

According to my tests, paralleled execution does not happen, which is good.

What I'm trying t find out is that will the next execution be ignored because the previous one is not finished yet, OR will it be queued?

By "queued" I mean executing the queued requests immediately after the previous completed discarding the schedule.

Thank you

like image 274
To Ka Avatar asked Sep 19 '11 22:09

To Ka

1 Answers

It will not be queued, it will be skipped. Easy to test: Create a job with a WAITFOR DELAY '00:05:00';, schedule job for < 2 minutes from now, then start the job manually. It will run for 5 minutes, once.

like image 141
Aaron Bertrand Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 11:10

Aaron Bertrand