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SQL Server after update trigger


I have a problem with this trigger. I would like it to update the requested information only to the row in question (the one I just updated) and not the entire table.

CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[after_update]      ON [dbo].[MYTABLE]     AFTER UPDATE     AS      BEGIN           UPDATE MYTABLE            SET mytable.CHANGED_ON = GETDATE(),           CHANGED_BY=USER_NAME(USER_ID()) 

How do I tell the trigger that this applies only to the row in question?

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user3927897 Avatar asked Aug 29 '14 12:08


1 Answers

Here is my example after a test

CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].UpdateTasadoresName  ON [dbo].Tasadores   FOR  UPDATE AS        UPDATE Tasadores        SET NombreCompleto = RTRIM( Tasadores.Nombre + ' ' + isnull(Tasadores.ApellidoPaterno,'') + ' ' + isnull(Tasadores.ApellidoMaterno,'')    )         FROM Tasadores      INNER JOIN INSERTED i ON Tasadores.id = i.id 

The inserted special table will have the information from the updated record.

like image 162
Juan Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 16:09
