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SQL Server 2012 intellisense

Why sometimes i have to wait for the intellisense reaction, which never comes and sometimes the intellisense works fine and fast?

Bad connection to the server or some configuration problem?

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user1800552 Avatar asked Jan 03 '13 12:01


1 Answers

It caches intellisense information (which is why you sometimes need to refresh manually). When this needs to be refreshed/retrieved, it takes a short time; afterwards it just uses cached information which is available right away.

So if you have the impression that the intellisense doesn't work (e.g. no popup, or missing or outdated information), just refresh it: CTRL+SHIFT+R (Edit -> Intellisense -> Refresh Local Cache).

It's also important to remember that only 2008 onwards supports Intellisense; if you connect to a pre-2008 database with the new SSMS you still won't get Intellisense.

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Lucero Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 02:11
