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SQL SELECT to find cyclic references in father-ID-organized tree?

"Fun" with cyclic references:

Suppose I have a table ELEMENTS which contain a hierarchy of elements, modeled by a father ID.

The father ID field is null for the root.

All other records have a non-null father id with the (autosequenced) primary key (ID) of the father element.

For example, using

FROM Elements

I can find all elements that have invalid father references (FATHER_ID is not a foreign key, let's assume that in this example).

But how can I find elements that do have a valid father reference BUT whose chain of father references does not end in the root? I think this can only happen for cyclic references, for example A is the father of B, but B is the father of A, too. Such a "subtree" is not linked to the root and thus is not part of the main tree. I want to find such subtrees.

Of course, I am looking for a query that delivers those elements that lead to a cyclic reference no matter how long the chain of references may be.

Is that possible in SQL, or do I need an iterative solution?

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TheBlastOne Avatar asked Apr 27 '11 11:04


People also ask

How do you check for cyclic dependency in SQL?

You can run it in the Query Window of SQL Server Management Studio; the output will be displayed as in the Message section. Each line is a circular reference, with a link list of tables that create the circle.

How do you write a hierarchical query in SQL?

Use hierarchyid as a data type to create tables with a hierarchical structure, or to describe the hierarchical structure of data that is stored in another location. Use the hierarchyid functions in Transact-SQL to query and manage hierarchical data.

What is circular reference in database?

In the world of relational databases circular references are schema structures where foreign keys relating the tables create a loop. Circular references cause special types of issues when trying to synchronize two relational database where the foreign keys are enforced.

1 Answers

SELECT  n.*, CONNECT_BY_ROOT(id), level
FROM    elements n
        id IN
        SELECT  MIN(id)
        FROM    (
                SELECT  id, CONNECT_BY_ROOT(id) AS root
                FROM    elements
                START WITH
                        id IN
                        SELECT  id
                        FROM    elements n
                        WHERE   CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE = 1
                        CONNECT BY NOCYCLE
                                father_id = PRIOR id
                CONNECT BY NOCYCLE
                        id = PRIOR father_id
        GROUP BY
        id = PRIOR father_id

You may want to read this article:

  • Finding loops in a tree
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Quassnoi Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 08:10
