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SQL: Select the minimum value from multiple columns with null values




I have a table like this one

ID   Col1   Col2   Col3
--   ----   ----   ----
1      7    NULL    12  
2      2     46    NULL
4     245     1    792

I wanted a query that yields the following result

 ID   Col1   Col2   Col3  MIN
 --   ----   ----   ----  ---
  1     7    NULL    12    7
  2     2     46    NULL   2
  4    245    1     792    1

I mean, I wanted a column containing the minimum values out of Col1, Col2, and Col 3 for each row ignoring NULL values. In a previous question (What's the best way to select the minimum value from multiple columns?) there is an answer for non NULL values. I need a query as efficient as possible for a huge table.

Select Id,
       Case When Col1 < Col2 And Col1 < Col3 Then Col1
            When Col2 < Col1 And Col2 < Col3 Then Col2 
            Else Col3
            End As MIN
From   YourTableNameHere
like image 548
Uzg Avatar asked Mar 17 '23 11:03


2 Answers

Assuming you can define some "max" value (I'll use 9999 here) that your real values will never exceed:

Select Id,
       Case When Col1 < COALESCE(Col2, 9999)
             And Col1 < COALESCE(Col3, 9999) Then Col1
            When Col2 < COALESCE(Col1, 9999) 
             And Col2 < COALESCE(Col3, 9999) Then Col2 
            Else Col3
       End As MIN
    From YourTableNameHere;
like image 149
Joe Stefanelli Avatar answered Mar 19 '23 16:03

Joe Stefanelli

You didn't specify which version of Teradata you're using. If you're using version 14+ then you can use least.

Unfortunately least will return null if any of its arguments are null. From the docs:

LEAST supports 1-10 numeric values. If numeric_value is the data type of the first argument, the return data type is numeric. The remaining arguments in the input list must be the same or compatible types. If either input parameter is NULL, NULL is returned.

But you can get around that by using coalesce as Joe did in his answer.

select id, 
from mytable
like image 31
FuzzyTree Avatar answered Mar 19 '23 14:03
