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SQL Select Distinct Top 2


If I have a table named [Part] with columns [PartID],[IDNumber], and [Length] and data:

[PartID]  [IDNumber]  [Length] 1         Test1       50 2         Test1       60 3         Test2       50 4         Test3       70 

How can I select just the top 2 records with a distinct IDNumber? After searching for a bit I have not been able to find a query that does what I want. I would like the results to look like this:

[PartID]  [IDNumber]  [Length] 1         Test1       50 3         Test2       50 

What I have now:

Select distinct top 2         [PartID],         [IDNumber],         [Length] from     [Part] 

To clarify that the PartID is actually a GUID. I thought writing out the GUID for each record was getting a bit messing in my example data.

like image 442
MisterXero Avatar asked Mar 31 '11 17:03


People also ask

Can we use 2 distinct in SQL?

Answer. Yes, the DISTINCT clause can be applied to any valid SELECT query. It is important to note that DISTINCT will filter out all rows that are not unique in terms of all selected columns.

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Can we use distinct with top?

Use the Query Plan To Confirm Order Notice that the query “DISTINCT TOP 10” includes the first 10 rows from the query from the “DISTINCT” query. From this we know a DISTINCT list is first created, and then the TOP 10 items returned.

How use top clause with distinct in SQL?

TOP and DISTINCT clause. TOP Clause: TOP is mainly used to limit the result of query in terms of number or percentage of the result from database. It selects result limits to TOP from N numbers of data from ordered rows by using ORDER BY statement otherwise it selects undefined order data.

1 Answers

SELECT DISTINCT TOP 2 PartId, IdNumber, Length FROM (   SELECT PartId, IdNumber, Length, ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by IdNumber order by Length) Orden     FROM [Ayuda] ) A WHERE A.Orden = 1 ORDER BY Length 
like image 129
Longha Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 04:10
