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SQL query to look for a Kevin Bacon number of 2


Using the IMDB database, I have tables actor, casts, and movie, and I need to select actors with a Kevin Bacon number of 2. I thought this should do it, but I'm getting 0 rows returned. What is my error?

select fname, lname from actor join casts on pid=actor.id where actor.id in (     select a3.id  --actors who have a kb number of 2     from casts c3 join actor a3 on c3.pid=a3.id,     (      (select c1.mid --actors who have a kb number of 1      from (casts c1 join actor a1 on c1.pid=a1.id), (casts c2 join actor a2 on c2.pid=a2.id)      where c1.mid=c2.mid and a2.fname='Kevin' and a2.lname='Bacon')     )Level1 where c3.mid=Level1.mid ) and actor.id not in (select a4.id --and only a kb number of 2      from (casts c4 join actor a4 on c4.pid=a4.id), (casts c5 join actor a5 on c5.pid=a5.id)      where c4.mid=c5.mid and a5.fname='Kevin' and a5.lname='Bacon'); 

Here are the table schemas:

ACTOR (id, fname, lname, gender) MOVIE (id, name, year) CASTS (pid, mid, role) 

mid is a foreign key to a movie id and pid is a foreign key to actor id.

Note that restrictions on the question prohibit me from using temp tables or recursion: the query should be done with subselects.

I also tried

select count(distinct pid) from casts join actor on pid=actor.id where mid in (     select mid from casts where pid in (         select distinct pid from casts where mid in (             select mid from casts join actor on pid=actor.id where fname='Kevin' and lname='Bacon')))  and pid not in       (select distinct pid from casts where mid in (         select mid from casts join actor on pid=actor.id where fname='Kevin' and lname='Bacon')); 

which also seems like it should work, but it's not finishing.

I finally managed to get some working code:

select count(distinct pid) from casts where mid in (     select mid from casts where pid in (         select distinct pid from casts where mid in (             select mid from casts join actor on pid=actor.id where fname='Kevin' and lname='Bacon')))  and pid not in       (select distinct pid from casts where mid in (         select mid from casts join actor on pid=actor.id where fname='Kevin' and lname='Bacon')); 

The subqueries return sensible answers, at least. But it's taking forever. Each subquery took under 30 seconds, but together they're taking 6 minutes and counting. Why?

Note: This was given to me as homework. To avoid any semblence of academic misconduct on my part, I'd prefer if people didn't post complete/exact solutions, but rather pointed out general things that I'm doing wrong/make general suggestions as to how I should go about this.

like image 994
Colleen Avatar asked Feb 03 '12 22:02


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1 Answers

To give a sketch of a solution rather than an exact solution I would use this general approach

SELECT * FROM   ACTOR WHERE  id IN ( SELECT id         /* ... of actors that have worked on a film worked           on by actors that have worked on a KB film*/ EXCEPT SELECT id  /* ... of all actors that have worked on a KB film          including KB himself*/ ) 

Also as you are not allowed to use recursive CTEs anyway here's an answer using those.

WITH RecursiveCTE      AS (SELECT C.pid,                 C.mid,                 0 as Level          FROM   CASTS C                 JOIN ACTOR A                   ON A.id = C.pid          WHERE  A.fname = 'Kevin'                 and A.lname = 'Bacon'          UNION ALL          SELECT c1.pid,                 c2.mid,                 R.Level + 1          FROM   RecursiveCTE R                 JOIN CASTS c1                   ON c1.mid = R.mid                      AND R.Level < 2                 JOIN CASTS c2                   ON c1.pid = c2.pid) SELECT * FROM   ACTOR WHERE  id IN (SELECT pid               FROM   RecursiveCTE               GROUP  BY pid               HAVING MIN(Level) = 2)   
like image 89
Martin Smith Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 20:09

Martin Smith