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SQL Query to LINQ syntax using not exist and join

My SQL query is like below working fine in SQL I need to convert this to LINQ syntax


SELECT [Key], Id
FROM LocalizationKeys AS lk
                  FROM Languages AS l
                  JOIN LocalizationValues AS lv ON l.Id = lv.LanguageId
                  WHERE l.Title = 'en-US' AND lv.LocalizationKeyId = lk.Id)

LINQ syntax I tried

var result = 

(from lk in localizationKey    
where !(from l in lang
        join lv in localizationValue on l.Id equals lv.LanguageId
        where l.Title == "en-US" && lv.LocalizationKeyId == lk.Id select 1).FirstOrDefault()   

 select lk).ToList();

Getting error:

Operator '!' cannot be applied to operand of type 'int'

Any clue where I made mistake?

like image 858
Neo Avatar asked Mar 31 '16 07:03


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Can we use joins in LINQ?

In a LINQ query expression, join operations are performed on object collections. Object collections cannot be "joined" in exactly the same way as two relational tables.

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What is group join in LINQ?

The group join is useful for producing hierarchical data structures. It pairs each element from the first collection with a set of correlated elements from the second collection. For example, a class or a relational database table named Student might contain two fields: Id and Name .

1 Answers

You can try like this:

(from lk in localizationKey    
where (from l in lang
        join lv in localizationValue on l.Id equals lv.LanguageId
        where (l.Title == "en-US" && lv.LocalizationKeyId == lk.Id)   
       select l).FirstOrDefault() == null
 select lk).ToList();


(from lk in localizationKey    
where !(from l in lang
        join lv in localizationValue on l.Id equals lv.LanguageId
        where !(l.Title == "en-US" && lv.LocalizationKeyId == lk.Id) 
        select l).FirstOrDefault().Any()
 select lk).ToList();
like image 180
Alper Tunga Arslan Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 04:09

Alper Tunga Arslan