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SQL Query to get latest price

I have a table containing prices for a lot of different "things" in a MS SQL 2005 table. There are hundreds of records per thing per day and the different things gets price updates at different times.

ID uniqueidentifier not null,
ThingID int NOT NULL,
PriceDateTime datetime NOT NULL,
Price decimal(18,4) NOT NULL

I need to get today's latest prices for a group of things. The below query works but I'm getting hundreds of rows back and I have to loop trough them and only extract the latest one per ThingID. How can I (e.g. via a GROUP BY) say that I want the latest one per ThingID? Or will I have to use subqueries?

FROM Thing
WHERE ThingID IN (1,2,3,4,5,6)
  AND PriceDate > cast( convert(varchar(20), getdate(), 106) as DateTime) 

UPDATE: In an attempt to hide complexity I put the ID column in a an int. In real life it is GUID (and not the sequential kind). I have updated the table def above to use uniqueidentifier.

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Marius Avatar asked Sep 08 '08 10:09


People also ask

How do I find most recent value in SQL?

Here is the syntax that we can use to get the latest date records in SQL Server. Select column_name, .. From table_name Order By date_column Desc; Now, let's use the given syntax to select the last 10 records from our sample table.

How do I find the latest updated value in SQL Server?

You should use SCOPE_IDENTITY() to get last primary key inserted value on your table. I guess it should be the ID value. Once you have it, do a SELECT using this ID and there you have it.

How do I update a price by 10% in SQL?

The standard way of expressing this is: update products set price = price * 1.1 where prod_name like 'HP%'; The from clause is not necessary in this case.

2 Answers

I think the only solution with your table structure is to work with a subquery:

   FROM Thing
                   WHERE ThingID IN (1,2,3,4)
                   GROUP BY ThingID)

(Given the highest ID also means the newest price)

However I suggest you add a "IsCurrent" column that is 0 if it's not the latest price or 1 if it is the latest. This will add the possible risk of inconsistent data, but it will speed up the whole process a lot when the table gets bigger (if it is in an index). Then all you need to do is to...

   FROM Thing
   WHERE ThingID IN (1,2,3,4)
     AND IsCurrent = 1


Okay, Markus updated the question to show that ID is a uniqueid, not an int. That makes writing the query even more complex.

   FROM Thing T
   JOIN (SELECT ThingID, max(PriceDateTime)
            WHERE ThingID IN (1,2,3,4)
            GROUP BY ThingID) X ON X.ThingID = T.ThingID 
                                AND X.PriceDateTime = T.PriceDateTime
   WHERE ThingID IN (1,2,3,4)

I'd really suggest using either a "IsCurrent" column or go with the other suggestion found in the answers and use "current price" table and a separate "price history" table (which would ultimately be the fastest, because it keeps the price table itself small).

(I know that the ThingID at the bottom is redundant. Just try if it is faster with or without that "WHERE". Not sure which version will be faster after the optimizer did its work.)

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BlaM Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 17:09


I would try something like the following subquery and forget about changing your data structures.

 (ThingID, PriceDateTime) IN 
   max(PriceDateTime ) 
   ThingID IN (1,2,3,4)

Edit the above is ANSI SQL and i'm now guessing having more than one column in a subquery doesnt work for T SQL. Marius, I can't test the following but try;

 Thing p,
 (SELECT ThingID, max(PriceDateTime ) FROM Thing WHERE ThingID IN (1,2,3,4) GROUP BY ThingID) m
 p.ThingId = m.ThingId
 and p.PriceDateTime = m.PriceDateTime

another option might be to change the date to a string and concatenate with the id so you have only one column. This would be slightly nasty though.

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Mark Nold Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 17:09

Mark Nold