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SQL Query for a particular scenario



Considering the sample table below:

Profile_ID  Child_ID

1           1
1           2
1           3

2           1
2           2

3           1
3           2
3           3
3           5

I want to construct an SQL query which gives me the profile IDs which are applicable to children 1 AND 2 AND 3... this implies that profile_ID 2 will not be in the result as profile 2 is only applied to children 1 and 2.. but I expect that profile 3 is included.

My idea is something similar to this

FROM table
WHERE Child_ID IN (1 AND 2 AND 3)

Now, I am well aware that IN serves as an OR function... Is there a similar way to achieve similar functionality to the IN clause with an AND rather than an OR?

Thanks in advance for all your help.

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jaja Avatar asked Apr 29 '12 18:04


1 Answers

Try this:

select profile_id from t
where child_id in (1, 2 ,3)
group by profile_id
having count(distinct child_id) = 3

Here is the fiddle to play with.

NOTE: Make sure 3 matches the amount of items in the in clause.

like image 129
Mosty Mostacho Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 12:09

Mosty Mostacho