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SQL Populating with distinct data and a sequence




My problem is as follows:

  • I need to populate a 'cars' table based on information from instances of rentals of the cars.
  • I need to create a primary key 'car_id' but only for distinct registration plates in the rentals table.
  • I am creating the car_id with a sequence.

I have tried the following code but receive an error:

--INSERT INTO cars c (c.plate, c.car_id)
SELECT DISTINCT cr.plate, car_id_seq.nextval
FROM cars_rentals cr

Although this will work (without distinct registration plates):

--INSERT INTO cars c (c.plate, c.car_id)
SELECT cr.plate, car_id_seq.nextval
FROM cars_rentals cr

(The top line is commented so I can see the values I'm trying to output straight away)

So! Does anyone know how I can either; A) Get the above code to work with DISTINCT or B) find a way to get MAXVALUE of the sequence as the DISTINCT COUNT of the registration plates (so I can do two insert statements)

Thanks in advance! Jack

like image 681
Bant Avatar asked Sep 11 '11 12:09


1 Answers

The error is:

ORA-02287: sequence number not allowed here

This will resolve it:

SELECT cr.plate, car_id_seq.nextval
FROM (SELECT DISTINCT plate FROM cars_rentals) cr
like image 192
Tony Andrews Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 15:09

Tony Andrews