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SQL Output Multiple Local Variables into one Column

Is it possible, using SQL, to output multiple separately defined local variables into one column as separate rows? Eg.

DECLARE var1 INT = 4
DECLARE var2 INT = 5
DECLARE var3 INT = 6

And then select the variables in some manner like

SELECT (var1, var2, var3) AS UserIDs,
       ('u1', 'u2', 'u3') AS Names

Which would produce the following table:

UserIDs | Names
   4    |  u1
   5    |  u2
   6    |  u3
like image 536
MysticVagabond Avatar asked Dec 19 '16 16:12


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Pack the values into one string with comma separated. Set the string as parameter and pass it into the SQL statement. Unpack the values and insert the values into a table, Where customerid in (select id from #temp)

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To assign a value to a variable, use the SET statement. This is the preferred method of assigning a value to a variable. A variable can also have a value assigned by being referenced in the select list of a SELECT statement.

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You can't declare variables in a view.

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This cumulative limit is 11 times the per-namespace limit. For example, if the per-namespace limit for SOQL queries is 100, a single transaction can perform up to 1,100 SOQL queries. In this case, the cumulative limit is 11 times the per-namespace limit of 100.

1 Answers

Use Table valued constructor

FROM   (VALUES (@var1,'u1'),
               (@var3,'u3')) tc (UserIDs, Names) 
like image 79
Pரதீப் Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 23:09
