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SQL Order By: Specific Value First, then Ordering?

I have a select statement that needs to order the results by two columns. My problem is that I only need the ordering to apply on the first column when there is a specific value. Otherwise, I want the results to be sorted by the second column.

I'm sure my explanation confused most people, so here's an example: In most cases I want the results to be sorted by Column B (Date) DESC. However, there are situations where I need records to be shown above (or before) the Date ordering. This occurs when Column A (Status) has the value 'Needs Response'. So, if Status = 'Needs Response' then I need it at the top of the results, but, if it has any other value, it should only then be ordered by Date in DESC order.

In my attempts to accomplish this I worked with CASE statements but every attempt results in all of the results being ordered by Status and then by Date. What I need is the initial order by to apply only when the Status value = 'Needs Response'.

Status         |  Date
Done           |  11/25/2018
Done           |  11/12/2018
Confirm        |  10/10/2018
Needs Response |  12/5/2018
Acknowledge    |  12/8/2018
Confirm        |  12/1/2018
Needs Response |  11/24/2018
Confirm        |  12/10/2018

Using the same data above, no matter how I attempt this I always first get the data sorted by Status and then by Date. When using a CASE statement I am able to get 'Needs Response' to the top of the results, but the remaining records are still sorted by Status before Date.

My desired outcome of the sample data would be:

Status         |  Date
Needs Response |  12/5/2018
Needs Response |  11/24/2018
Confirm        |  12/10/2018
Acknowledge    |  12/8/2018
Confirm        |  12/1/2018
Done           |  11/25/2018
Done           |  11/12/2018
Confirm        |  10/10/2018
like image 654
STampa Avatar asked Dec 10 '18 20:12


People also ask

How do you specify an order in SQL?

The SQL ORDER BY Keyword The ORDER BY keyword is used to sort the result-set in ascending or descending order. The ORDER BY keyword sorts the records in ascending order by default. To sort the records in descending order, use the DESC keyword.

How do I sort a column in a specific order in SQL?

The ORDER BY statement in SQL is used to sort the fetched data in either ascending or descending according to one or more columns. By default ORDER BY sorts the data in ascending order. We can use the keyword DESC to sort the data in descending order and the keyword ASC to sort in ascending order.

How do I create a custom order in SQL?

By default SQL ORDER BY sort, the column in ascending order but when the descending order is needed ORDER BY DESC can be used. In case when we need a custom sort then we need to use a CASE statement where we have to mention the priorities to get the column sorted.

2 Answers

You should be able to manage this with a ORDER BY clause like :

    CASE WHEN Status = 'Needs Response' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END,
    Date desc

So basically you would sort with two fields :

  • first, a computed value that will be 0 when Status has value Needs Response ; in all other cases it should show 1. This will allow the Need Response status to appear first, while all other values will have an equal value, causing the following sort field come into play

  • then Date

like image 175
GMB Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 04:11


Use a case expression to put Needs Response rows first. Then order by date descending:

order by case when status = 'Needs Response' then 0 else 1 end, date desc
like image 24
jarlh Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 03:11
