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sql joins - Joining more than one table

I am trying to understand joins and im a bit confused. I know how to join tables using


IN exists and not exists

I was trying to try and understand the use of INNER JOIN, LEFT OUTER JOIN, USING etc but it is so confusing. The major problem i am having is that different people refer to them using different names. Is there a simple explanation of the different types of joins and what other names they are known as. For example, while googling i came across the following types

 Simple Join
 Equi join
 Natural Join
 Outer Join
 Self Join
 Cartesian join
 Inner join
 Nonequi join
 Theta join
 Self join 
 Cross join
 Cross Joins
 Natural Joins
 Inner Join with USING Clause
 Inner Join with ON Clause
 Left Outer Join
 Right Outer Join
 Full OuterJoin

The majority of the above are duplicates, i.e. its the same type of join but with a different name. I am sure all the above can be recreated using one of (=, !=, not in, in exists etc) but I am struggling to undestand which is which and the difference between them. A diagram would probably help :)

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ziggy Avatar asked Dec 04 '22 10:12


1 Answers

Jeff Atwood to the rescue


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Matthew Vines Avatar answered Dec 31 '22 11:12

Matthew Vines