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SQL insert with select and hard-coded values


For illustration purposes, let's say I have a database Movies(Title, Director, Cost, Profits).

Now I would like to insert a new row into the Movies table based on a director found in another table and then hard coded values.

INSERT INTO Movies  SELECT name    FROM Directors   WHERE name = 'Lucas'; 

Is how I understand select inserts work but what if I want to use the select as well as pass in hard coded values. So something theoretically like this:

INSERT INTO Movies  VALUES(Star Wars,(SELECT name                      FROM Directors                     WHERE name='Lucas'), 50000, 1000000); 

Is this possible?

like image 504
Msencenb Avatar asked Nov 10 '10 04:11


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Static values can be inserted into a resultset returned from a SELECT query as another column. Simply use the static value as a column to select, and the query will return a column where the name of the column is the static value, and every row in that column will return that same static value.

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2 Answers

INSERT INTO Movies (Title, Director, Cost, Profits) SELECT 'Star Wars', name, 50000, 1000000 FROM Directors WHERE name = 'Lucas' 
like image 152
Phil Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 01:10


Because you can specify hardcoded values in the select statement, it's probably cleaner to use:

insert into movies (title, director, cost, profits)    select 'Star Wars', name, 50000, 1000000 from directors where name = 'Lucas'; 
like image 35
paxdiablo Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 01:10
