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SQL Inner join with function returning table

I wonder if the following is possible.

I have a SQL function that splits a coma separated string returning a table with the splited values.

hello,my name,is,John

returns a table:

my name

A have a table storing, for each row, an ID and a coma separated string:

1 | a,b,c
1 | d,e,f,g
2 | a,b
3 | a
3 | b,c,f

Without using cursors, is it possible to obtain the resulting table?

1 | a
1 | b
1 | c
1 | d
1 | e
1 | f
1 | g
2 | a 
2 | b
3 | a  
3 | b  
3 | c  
3 | f  

That is, a rows for each splited value with its id.

like image 593
nachovall Avatar asked Oct 25 '13 18:10


1 Answers

The function looks like an inline table-valued function; if you can include the function we can also suggest whether it is an efficient implementation (not all are).

SELECT t.col, s.Item
FROM dbo.tablename AS t
CROSS APPLY dbo.function_name(t.value) AS s;

You should also consider not storing separate values as comma-separated lists in the first place. A database table should not be a JSON container, IMHO.

like image 79
Aaron Bertrand Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 06:09

Aaron Bertrand