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SQL IN condition in Java

I have multiple conditions to check as shown below,

if(pouch.getStatus().equals("Finalized") || pouch.getStatus().equals("Ready") 
  || pouch.getStatus().equals("Checkout") || pouch.getStatus().equals("Confirmed")
  || pouch.getStatus().equals("Book") || pouch.getStatus().equals("Started")
  || pouch.getStatus().equals("Inital") || pouch.getStatus().equals("Close")) {
        // Body Implementation

Is there any easy way to check above conditions similar like SQL INcondition, so that code look simpler?

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Santosh Jadi Avatar asked Jun 16 '18 07:06

Santosh Jadi

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Java has no "in" operator. For arrays you need to iterate them and look for a matching item. For Lists you can use the contains method.

How can I use SQL in Java?

STEP 1: Allocate a Connection object, for connecting to the database server. STEP 2: Allocate a Statement object, under the Connection created earlier, for holding a SQL command. STEP 3: Write a SQL query and execute the query, via the Statement and Connection created. STEP 4: Process the query result.

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Most Java developers interested in employing SQL in their work will do so through JDBC, which allows Java to connect to SQL databases.

1 Answers

Let's take a look about SQL in features

SQL WHERE IN returns values that match values in a list

So I would use a collection, which implements from Collection<E> and had contains method, make the if statement simpler.

contains(Object o) Returns true if this set contains the specified element.

contains effect is very similar to SQL in.

1.add your multiple conditions in the collection, which implements from Collection<E>

Set<String> dict = new HashSet<String>();

2.using contains to check input value whether exist in the collection.

if (dict.contains(pouch.getStatus()))
     // do your logic
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D-Shih Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 03:09
