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SQL how to check prefix in cell with two prefixes

I am learning SQL and I have a table where there are certain cells with two prefixes like this :

example1(cell) : R:8days; U:5$;
example2(cell) : R:8days;
example3(cell) : U:5$;

I want to check for that U:5$ after the first prefix, as I know how to check for prefix R:8days;. So I need to check for U:5$ and then make a new column in table.

My code looks like this:

;with cte as (
Employer, AmountPayd, AmountPayd as Payd
from data
where TipeOfTransaction like 'Offline Prepaid%' AND Note like '%R:8%' **HERE I WANT TO CHECK FOR PREFIX NR2. 'U:5$' AND MAKE NEW COLUMN FOR WHICH EMPLOYER HAS U:5$ NOTE.**
     [4.00] = ISNULL([4.00],0)
    ,[5.00] = ISNULL([5.00],0)
    ,[9.00] = ISNULL([9.00],0)
    ,[10.00] = ISNULL([10.00],0)
    ,[15.00] = ISNULL([15.00],0)
    ,[Sum] =ISNULL([4.00],0) + ISNULL([5.00],0) + ISNULL([9.00],0) + ISNULL([10.00],0) + ISNULL([15.00],0)
    from cte
    pivot (
    sum(AmountPayd) for Payd in ([4.00],[5.00],[9.00], [10.00], [15.00], [20.00]))pvt;
like image 691
vidooo Avatar asked Nov 11 '16 12:11


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1 Answers


  Employer, AmountPayd, AmountPayd as Payd,
  CASE WHEN Note like '%R:8%;%U:5$%' THEN 'U:5' END U5Note
from data
where TipeOfTransaction like 'Offline Prepaid%' AND Note like '%R:8%'
like image 138
Ivan Starostin Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 02:11

Ivan Starostin