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Is HAVING better than WHERE SQL?

The difference between the having and where clause in SQL is that the where clause cannot be used with aggregates, but the having clause can. The where clause works on row's data, not on aggregated data. Let us consider below table 'Marks'. This would select data row by row basis.

Which is better WHERE or HAVING?

Both the statements will be having same performance as SQL Server is smart enough to parse both the same statements into a similar plan. So, it does not matter if you use WHERE or HAVING in your query.

Why do we use HAVING instead of WHERE?

WHERE is used to filter records before any groupings take place. HAVING is used to filter values after they have been groups. Only columns or expressions in the group can be included in the HAVING clause's conditions…

What is the difference between WHERE and HAVING?

WHERE Clause is used to filter the records from the table based on the specified condition. HAVING Clause is used to filter record from the groups based on the specified condition.

WHERE clause introduces a condition on individual rows; HAVING clause introduces a condition on aggregations, i.e. results of selection where a single result, such as count, average, min, max, or sum, has been produced from multiple rows. Your query calls for a second kind of condition (i.e. a condition on an aggregation) hence HAVING works correctly.

As a rule of thumb, use WHERE before GROUP BY and HAVING after GROUP BY. It is a rather primitive rule, but it is useful in more than 90% of the cases.

While you're at it, you may want to re-write your query using ANSI version of the join:

SELECT  L.LectID, Fname, Lname
FROM Lecturers L
JOIN Lecturers_Specialization S ON L.LectID=S.LectID
GROUP BY L.LectID, Fname, Lname
(SELECT COUNT(Expertise) FROM Lecturers_Specialization GROUP BY LectID)

This would eliminate WHERE that was used as a theta join condition.

First we should know the order of execution of Clauses i.e FROM > WHERE > GROUP BY > HAVING > DISTINCT > SELECT > ORDER BY. Since WHERE Clause gets executed before GROUP BY Clause the records cannot be filtered by applying WHERE to a GROUP BY applied records.

"HAVING is same as the WHERE clause but is applied on grouped records".

first the WHERE clause fetches the records based on the condition then the GROUP BY clause groups them accordingly and then the HAVING clause fetches the group records based on the having condition.

HAVING operates on aggregates. Since COUNT is an aggregate function, you can't use it in a WHERE clause.

Here's some reading from MSDN on aggregate functions.

  1. WHERE clause can be used with SELECT, INSERT, and UPDATE statements, whereas HAVING can be used only with SELECT statement.

  2. WHERE filters rows before aggregation (GROUP BY), whereas HAVING filter groups after aggregations are performed.

  3. Aggregate function cannot be used in WHERE clause unless it is in a subquery contained in HAVING clause, whereas aggregate functions can be used in HAVING clause.


Didn't see an example of both in one query. So this example might help.

INTERNATIONAL_ORDERS - table of orders by company by location by day
companyId, country, city, total, date

SELECT country, city, sum(total) totalCityOrders 
WHERE companyId = 884501253109
GROUP BY country, city
HAVING country = 'MX'
ORDER BY sum(total) DESC

This filters the table first by the companyId, then groups it (by country and city) and additionally filters it down to just city aggregations of Mexico. The companyId was not needed in the aggregation but we were able to use WHERE to filter out just the rows we wanted before using GROUP BY.

You can not use where clause with aggregate functions because where fetch records on the basis of condition, it goes into table record by record and then fetch record on the basis of condition we have give. So that time we can not where clause. While having clause works on the resultSet which we finally get after running a query.

Example query:

select empName, sum(Bonus) 
from employees 
order by empName 
having sum(Bonus) > 5000;

This will store the resultSet in a temporary memory, then having clause will perform its work. So we can easily use aggregate functions here.