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SQL filtering by multiple items in the same column

I've got two tables in SQL, one with a project and one with categories that projects belong to, i.e. the JOIN would look roughly like:

Project | Category
  Foo   | Apple
  Foo   | Banana
  Foo   | Carrot
  Bar   | Apple
  Bar   | Carrot
  Qux   | Apple
  Qux   | Banana

(Strings replaced with IDs from a higher normal form, obviously, but you get the point here.)

What I want to do is allow filtering such that users can select any number of categories and results will be filtered to items that are members of all the selected categories. For example, if a user selects categories "Apple" and "Banana", projects "Foo" and "Qux" show up. If a user select categories "Apple", "Banana", and "Carrot" then only the "Foo" project shows up.

The first thing I tried was a simple SELECT DISTINCT Project FROM ... WHERE Category = 'Apple' AND Category = 'Banana', but of course that doesn't work since Apple and Banana show up in the same column in two different rows for any common project.

GROUP BY and HAVING don't do me any good, so tell me: is there an obvious way to do this that I'm missing, or is it really so complicated that I'm going to have to resort to recursive joins?

This is in PostgreSQL, by the way, but of course standard SQL code is always preferable when possible.

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Chris Avatar asked Aug 25 '09 18:08


1 Answers

See this article in my blog for performance details:

  • PostgreSQL: selecting items that belong to all categories

The solution below:

  • Works on any number of categories

  • Is more efficient that COUNT and GROUP BY, since it checks existence of any project / category pair exactly once, without counting.


FROM    (
        SELECT  DISTINCT Project
        FROM    mytable
        ) mo
        SELECT  NULL
        FROM    (
                SELECT  'Apple' AS Category
                UNION ALL
                SELECT   'Banana'
                UNION ALL
                SELECT   'Carrot'
                ) list
                SELECT  NULL
                FROM    mytable mii
                WHERE   mii.Project = mo.Project
                        AND mii.Category = list.Category
like image 151
Quassnoi Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 06:10
