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Spyder does not update to V4

Updating spyder does nothing. My system is still stuck on V3. Can someone help me get this onto V4 please?

I start the Anaconda navigator.

I start Spyder V3.3.6

A prompt informs me that Spyder 4.0.1 is available.

I follow the instructions at : https://docs.spyder-ide.org/installation.html

Open an Anaconda command window and type: conda update spyder

Get the following:

(base) C:\Users\user>conda update spyder
Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done
Solving environment: \

Updating spyder is constricted by

anaconda -> requires spyder==3.3.6=py37_0

If you are sure you want an update of your package either try `conda update --all` or install a specific version of the package you want using `conda install <pkg>=<version>`


# All requested packages already installed.
like image 857
Grantx Avatar asked Jan 22 '20 19:01


2 Answers

run conda update anaconda to update your anaconda version then update your spyder version using conda update spyder

like image 158
laserany Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 01:10


I am listing all my steps, as I'm not sure exactly what steps permitted what other steps.

I also had Anaconda installed for managing and using Spyder 3.3.6. When I ran Spyder, I get the message Spyder 4.1.5 is available!. I ran Anaconda Navigator as Administrator, and in the Home tab, the Spyder Settings menu showed Update Application grayed out. This persisted even if I entered the Environments Tab and clicked on Update Index....

I opened an Anaconda Prompt as Administrator and ran:

conda update --all
conda update conda
conda update anaconda
conda update spyder

I also got the following message:

Updating spyder is constricted by

anaconda -> requires spyder==3.3.6=py37_0

If you are sure you want an update of your package either try `conda update --all` or install a specific version of the package you want using `conda install <pkg>=<version>`


# All requested packages already installed.    

I closed the Anaconda Prompt and opened a new one, in case that was needed for the updated Anaconda to work. I re-issued condate update spyder but got the same message as above. I confirmed that Spyder is still at version 3.3.6.

I re-ran Anaconda Navigator. This time, Spyder's Update Application was not grayed out, but clicking on it only caused a brief spinning circle. The Spyder version was not updated. I re-entered the Environments tab and re-clicked on Update Index... and waited for it to finish. In Anaconda Navigator's Home tab, in Spyder's Settings menu, I was then able to Install specific version > 4.1.5.

like image 28
user36800 Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 01:10
