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Spring WebFlux 5.3.0 - WebClient.exchangeToMono()

I've just upgraded to Webflux 5.3.0, and noticed that WebClient.exchange() method is now deprecated (link) in favor of new methos .exchangeToMono() and .exchangeToFlux()

I had this code:

   .flatMap { response ->
         .headers { it.addAll(response.headers().asHttpHeaders()) }

I had to refactor it into this:

   .exchangeToMono { response ->
         .headers { it.addAll(response.headers().asHttpHeaders()) }

However, apparently .exchangeToMono() calls .releaseIfNotConsumed(), which releases the unprocessed response body, and basically makes the server return an empty body

So I had to refactor my code further:

   .exchangeToMono { response ->
         .flatMap { body ->
               .headers { it.addAll(response.headers().asHttpHeaders()) }

As far as I understand, .exchange() allows my proxy server to transmit the response body without actually processing it, while .exchangeToMono() forces me to process (buffer?) it. Is this correct?

If so, what are the implications? Should I be okay with the change, or should I tweak the code somehow in order to make it transmit the response body without processing it? How would I do that?


tl;dr What is the practical difference between passing .body(response.bodyToMono()) and .bodyValue(body)?

like image 705
Larik Borts Avatar asked Nov 02 '20 17:11

Larik Borts

People also ask

What is exchangeToMono?

The exchangeToMono and exchangeToFlux methods allow access to the ClientResponse along with its status and headers: Mono<String> response = headersSpec. exchangeToMono(response -> { if (response. statusCode(). equals(HttpStatus.

What is WebFlux WebClient?

Spring WebFlux. Reactive Programming, Spring WebClient. Spring WebClient is a non-blocking and reactive web client to perform HTTP requests. WebClient has been added in Spring 5 ( spring-webflux module) and provides fluent functional style API.

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It can take time to get used to Reactive APIs, but the WebClient has interesting features and can also be used in traditional Spring MVC applications. You can use WebClient to communicate with non-reactive, blocking services, too.

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WebFlux is a Spring reactive-stack web framework. It was added to Spring 5. It is fully non-blocking, supports reactive streams back pressure, and runs on such servers such as Netty, Undertow, and Servlet 3.1+ containers. Spring WebFlux is an alternative to the traditional Spring MVC.

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Overview In this tutorial, we're going to examine the WebClient, which is a reactive web client introduced in Spring 5. We're also going to look at the WebTestClient, a WebClient designed to be used in tests. Learn how to reactively consume REST API endpoints with WebClient from Spring Webflux.

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It's important to note that even though it is, in fact, a non-blocking client and it belongs to the spring-webflux library, the solution offers support for both synchronous and asynchronous operations, making it suitable also for applications running on a Servlet Stack. This can be achieved by blocking the operation to obtain the result.

Is webclient exchange() method deprecated in webflux?

I've just upgraded to Webflux 5.3.0, and noticed that WebClient.exchange () method is now deprecated ( link) in favor of new methos .exchangeToMono () and .exchangeToFlux ()

What is webtestclient in webflux?

The WebTestClient is the main entry point for testing WebFlux server endpoints. It has a very similar API to the WebClient, and it delegates most of the work to an internal WebClient instance focusing mainly on providing a test context. The DefaultWebTestClient class is a single interface implementation.

1 Answers

After reading through the change and trying to understand your questions I'm going to give a go at answering this. I'm not in any way sure this is the correct answer and I'm going to make some logical assumptions based on what I know about reactor, webflux and webclient.

Ever since WebClient was released the main workhorse was supposed to be retrieve() to be able to provide a simple but stable API against a fully asynchronous webclient.

The problem was that most people were used to work with the ResponseEntities returned by the old deprecated RestTemplate so ppl instead turned to using the exchange() function instead.

But it's here the problem lies. When you gain access to the Response you also have a responsibility attached to it. You are obligated to consume the response so that the server can close the TCP connection. This usually means that you need to read the header and the body and then we can close the connection.

If you don't consume the response you will have an open connection, with a resulting memory leak.

Spring solved this by providing functions like response#bodyToMono and response#bodyToFlux which consume the body and then after closes the response (which in turn closes the connection, thus consuming the response).

But it turns out it was quite easy (since developers are crafty bastards) for people to write code that didn't consume the response hence giving dangling TCP connections.

webclient.url( ... )
    .exchange(response -> {

        // This is just an example but, but here i just re-return the response
        // which means that the server will keep the connection open, until i 
        // actually consume the body. I could send this all over my application
        // but never consume it and the server will keep the connection open as
        // long as i do, could be a potential memory leak.

        return Mono.just(response)

The new exchangeToMono implementation basically forces you to consume the body in favour of avoiding memory leaks. If you want to work on the raw response, you will be forced to consume the body.

So lats talk about your example and your needs.

You just want to basically proxy the request from one server to another. You do actually consume the body you just don't do it in the flatMap in close proximity to the WebClient.

   .flatMap { response ->
         .headers { it.addAll(response.headers().asHttpHeaders()) }
         // Here you are declaring you want to consume but it isn't consumed right here, its not consumed until much later.

Here in your code, you are returning a ServerResponse but you have to always think about. Nothing happens until you subscribe. You are basically passing a long a ServerResponse but you haven't consumed the body yet. You have only declared that when the server needs the body, it will then have to consume the body of the last response the get the new body.

Think of it this way, you are returning a ServerResponse that only contains declarations about what we want in it, not what is actually in it.

As this gets returned from the flatMap it will travel all the way out of the application until we write it as a response to our open TCP connection we have against the client.

Only there and then will the response be built and that's when your first response from the WebClient will be consumed and closed.

So your original code, does work, because you do consume the WebClient response, you are just not doing it until you write a response to the calling client.

What you are doing was not inherently wrong, it was just that having the WebClient API this way enhances the risk of ppl using it wrong, and memory leaks could happen.

I hope this at least answers some of the questions you have i was mostly writing down my interpretation of the change.

like image 115
Toerktumlare Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 06:10
