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Spring session with redis - how to mock it in integration tests?

So, Im using spring session in my project. How to write integration tests in project using it? Should I mock something for spring session internals? Or any reasonable way to use embedded redis?

I saw there was some @EnableEmbeddedRedis annotation in past, but seems it was removed: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-session/issues/248


Ive tried to pass MockHttpSession to


but spring tries and fails to connect to redis anyway.

like image 916
hi_my_name_is Avatar asked Oct 08 '15 07:10


People also ask

Can integration tests have mocks?

Integration testing is a must if you want stable software. However, it's difficult to get your integration tests to call the real dependencies, especially when it comes to load tests. That's where API mocking can help. This article will explain you how to do that with maximizing the power of Azure!

What is redis mock?

The goal of the redis-mock project is to create a feature-complete mock of node_redis, which may be used interchangeably when writing unit tests for code that depends on redis . All operations are performed in-memory, so no Redis installation is required.

3 Answers

You can create your own connectionfactory and the redisserializer. Then spring boot won't create their default beans.


@SpringApplicationConfiguration(classes = Application.class)
public class ApplicationTest

    public void contextLoads()

    static class Config
        public RedisSerializer<Object> defaultRedisSerializer()
            return Mockito.mock(RedisSerializer.class);

        public RedisConnectionFactory connectionFactory()
            RedisConnectionFactory factory = Mockito.mock(RedisConnectionFactory.class);
            RedisConnection connection = Mockito.mock(RedisConnection.class);

            return factory;
like image 77
Dmitriy Kosolobov Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 01:10

Dmitriy Kosolobov

ok, ive just disabled redis by using profiles in my integration tests

class RegisterControllerTest extends Specification {...

and extracting @EnableRedisHttpSession to its own class:

public class RedisConfig {


Its more like workaround than solution, but I dont need to test anything inside session anyway.

like image 36
hi_my_name_is Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 01:10


I would not suggest to use mockHttpSession, as it will bypass the integration with spring-session library in the tests. I would

public class ExampleControllerV2SpringSessionTest {

private WebApplicationContext wac;

private SessionRepository sessionRepository;

private SessionRepositoryFilter sessionRepositoryFilter;

//this is needed to test spring-session specific features
private MockMvc mockMvcWithSpringSession;

public void setup() throws URISyntaxException {

this.mockMvcWithSpringSession = MockMvcBuilders

Knowing that it's hard to always have redis instance ready during the test, I would suggest you to use this property spring.session.store-type=hash_map for your test cases.

like image 33
imarchuang Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 23:10
