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Spring Security: Deny access to controller methods, if @PreAuthorize annotation is missing

I have a web application configured to use Spring Security 3.2 in standard way.

I'm using the @PreAuthorize annotation to secure the Controllers method. Now, I would like to deny access to each controller method UNLESS it is annotated with @PreAuthorize.

I have tried the following approaches:

super controller

Each controller extends from a super controller annotated with: @PreAutorize("denyAll"). This approach doesn't seem to work because the controllers' methods annotations are ignored. Everything is forbidden.

public class SuperController {


public class MyController extends SuperController {

    @RequestMapping(value = URL_PREFIX + "Add.do", method =  RequestMethod.GET)
    public String doStuff(Model model) {




Using a pointcut expression in the global method security tag

<global-method-security pre-post-annotations="enabled">
    <protect-pointcut expression="execution(* com.acme.*Controller.*(..))" access="denyAll" />

This approach also fails: controllers's methods which are not annotated are still accessible.

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Luciano Fiandesio Avatar asked May 20 '15 11:05

Luciano Fiandesio

People also ask

What is the use of @PreAuthorize annotation?

The @PreAuthorize annotation checks the given expression before entering the method, whereas the @PostAuthorize annotation verifies it after the execution of the method and could alter the result.

Which annotation can be used with Spring Security to apply method level security?

Method-level security is implemented by placing the @PreAuthorize annotation on controller methods (actually one of a set of annotations available, but the most commonly used). This annotation contains a Spring Expression Language (SpEL) snippet that is assessed to determine if the request should be authenticated.

How does @PreAuthorize work in spring boot?

Spring Security provides method level security using @PreAuthorize and @PostAuthorize annotations. This is expression-based access control. The @PreAuthorize can check for authorization before entering into method. The @PreAuthorize authorizes on the basis of role or the argument which is passed to the method.

What's the difference between @secured and @PreAuthorize in Spring Security?

The difference between @Secured and @PreAuthorize are as follows : The main difference between @Secured and @PreAuthorize is that @PreAuthorize can work with Spring EL. We can access methods and properties of SecurityExpressionRoot while using @PreAuthorize but not with @Secured.

2 Answers

I'm answering my own question here.

I've solved the problem by using a HandlerInterceptorAdapter.

I'm not sure it is the most Spring-idiomatic way to achieve the result, but it's good enough for me.

public class MvcPreAuthorizeAnnotationCheckerInterceptor extends HandlerInterceptorAdapter {
    final HandlerMethod hm;
    if (handler instanceof HandlerMethod) {
        hm = (HandlerMethod) handler;
        PreAuthorize annotation = hm.getMethodAnnotation(PreAuthorize.class);
        if (annotation == null) {
            // check if the class is annotated...
            annotation = hm.getMethod().getDeclaringClass().getAnnotation(PreAuthorize.class);
            if (annotation == null) {
                // add logging
                // or send a NON AUTHORIZED
       return true;

And in the Spring config:

    <beans:ref bean="mvcPreAuthorizeAnnotationCheckerInterceptor"/>

<beans:bean id="mvcPreAuthorizeAnnotationCheckerInterceptor" class="com.acme.MvcPreAuthorizeAnnotationCheckerInterceptor"/>
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Luciano Fiandesio Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 12:09

Luciano Fiandesio

I came up with a similar approach, but its not executed for every request but just extends the ConfigAttribute's for the method:

A minor drawback could be that it does not allow for easy logging or whatever the big benefit is that it follows the same deny behavior as other not allowed endpoints.


@EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(prePostEnabled = true)
public class MethodSecurityConfiguration extends GlobalMethodSecurityConfiguration {

    protected MethodSecurityMetadataSource customMethodSecurityMetadataSource() {
        return new CustomPermissionAllowedMethodSecurityMetadataSource();


public class CustomPermissionAllowedMethodSecurityMetadataSource extends AbstractFallbackMethodSecurityMetadataSource {
    protected Collection<ConfigAttribute> findAttributes(Class<?> clazz) {
        return null;

    protected Collection<ConfigAttribute> findAttributes(Method method, Class<?> targetClass) {
        Annotation[] annotations = AnnotationUtils.getAnnotations(method);
        List<ConfigAttribute> attributes = new ArrayList<>();

        // if the class itself is annotated as a @Controller we should by default deny access to every method
        if (AnnotationUtils.findAnnotation(targetClass, Controller.class) != null) {

        if (annotations != null) {
            for (Annotation a : annotations) {
                // but not if the method has at least a PreAuthorize or PostAuthorize annotation
                if (a instanceof PreAuthorize || a instanceof PostAuthorize) {
                    return null;
        return attributes;

    public Collection<ConfigAttribute> getAllConfigAttributes() {
        return null;

I also wrote a small article about this, with some further background: https://www.baeldung.com/spring-deny-access

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Martin van Wingerden Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 12:09

Martin van Wingerden