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Spring RestTemplate Behavior when handling responses with a status of NO_CONTENT

Okay, I have a class NamedSystems, that has as its only field a Set of NamedSystem.

I have a method to find NamedSystems by certain criteria. That's not really important. When it gets results, everything works fine. However, when it can't find anything, and thus returns a null (or empty -- I've tried both ways) set, I get problems. Let me explain.

I'm using the Spring RestTemplate class and I'm making a call like this in a unit test:

ResponseEntity<?> responseEntity = template.exchange(BASE_SERVICE_URL + "?
  HttpMethod.GET, makeHttpEntity("xml"), NamedSystems.class, 
  alias1.getAlias(), alias1.getAuthority());

Now, since this would normally return a 200, but I want to return a 204, I have an interceptor in my service that determines if a ModelAndView is a NamedSystem and if its set is null. If so, I then the set the status code to NO_CONTENT (204).

When I run my junit test, I get this error:

org.springframework.web.client.RestClientException: Cannot extract response: no Content-Type found

Setting the status to NO_CONTENT seems to wipe the content-type field (which does make sense when I think about it). So why is it even looking at it?

Spring's HttpMessageConverterExtractor extractData method:

public T extractData(ClientHttpResponse response) throws IOException {
    MediaType contentType = response.getHeaders().getContentType();
    if (contentType == null) {
        throw new RestClientException("Cannot extract response: no Content-Type found");
    for (HttpMessageConverter messageConverter : messageConverters) {
        if (messageConverter.canRead(responseType, contentType)) {
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                logger.debug("Reading [" + responseType.getName() + "] as \"" + contentType
                    +"\" using [" + messageConverter + "]");
            return (T) messageConverter.read(this.responseType, response);
    throw new RestClientException(
        "Could not extract response: no suitable HttpMessageConverter found for response type [" +
        this.responseType.getName() + "] and content type [" + contentType + "]");

Going up the chain a bit to find out where that Extractor is set, I come to RestTemplate's exchange() method that I used in the test:

public <T> ResponseEntity<T> exchange(String url, HttpMethod method,
  HttpEntity<?> requestEntity, Class<T> responseType, Object... uriVariables) throws RestClientException {
    HttpEntityRequestCallback requestCallback = new HttpEntityRequestCallback(requestEntity, responseType);
    ResponseEntityResponseExtractor<T> responseExtractor = new ResponseEntityResponseExtractor<T>(responseType);
    return execute(url, method, requestCallback, responseExtractor, uriVariables);

So, it's trying to convert what amounts to nothing because of the supplied response type from the exchange call. If I change the responseType from NamedSystems.class to null, it works as expected. It doesn't try to convert anything. If I had tried to set the status code to 404, it also executes fine.

Am I misguided, or does this seem like a flaw in RestTemplate? Sure, I'm using a junit right now so I know what's going to happen, but if someone is using RestTemplate to call this and doesn't know the outcome of the service call, they would naturally have NamedSystems as a response type. However, if they tried a criteria search that came up with no elements, they'd have this nasty error.

Is there a way around this without overriding any RestTemplate stuff? Am I viewing this situation incorrectly? Please help as I'm a bit baffled.

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AHungerArtist Avatar asked Jul 23 '10 21:07


People also ask

How do you handle a RestTemplate response?

Default Error Handling By default, the RestTemplate will throw one of these exceptions in the case of an HTTP error: HttpClientErrorException – in the case of HTTP status 4xx. HttpServerErrorException – in the case of HTTP status 5xx. UnknownHttpStatusCodeException – in the case of an unknown HTTP status.

How do I get status code from response to RestTemplate?

Use the RestTemplate#exchange(..) methods that return a ResponseEntity . This gives you access to the status line and headers (and the body obviously).

What does the RestTemplate handle?

RestTemplate handles the errors during the communication with the server by delegating to org. springframework. web. client.

2 Answers

One more way to solve this would be to make response entity as null as shown below.

  ResponseEntity<?> response = restTemplate.exchange("http://localhost:8080/myapp/user/{userID}",

If you still need response headers, try implementing the ResponseErrorHandler.

like image 193
Chandra Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 01:09


I believe you should probably look at the ResponseExtractor interface & call execute on the RestTemplate providing your implementation of the extractor. To me it looks like a common requirement to do this so have logged this:


Here's one I prepared earlier:

private class MyResponseExtractor extends HttpMessageConverterExtractor<MyEntity> {

    public MyResponseExtractor (Class<MyEntity> responseType,
      List<HttpMessageConverter<?>> messageConverters) {
        super(responseType, messageConverters);

    public MyEntity extractData(ClientHttpResponse response) throws IOException {

        MyEntity result;

        if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.OK) {
            result = super.extractData(response);
        } else {
            result = null;

        return result;

I've tested this & it seems to do what I want.

To create the instance of the ResponseExtractor I call the constructor & pass the converters from a RestTemplate instance that's been injected;


ResponseExtractor<MyEntity> responseExtractor =
    new MyResponseExtractor(MyEntity.class, restTemplate.getMessageConverters());

Then the call is:

MyEntity responseAsEntity =
    restTemplate.execute(urlToCall, HttpMethod.GET, null, responseExtractor);

Your mileage may vary. ;-)

like image 26
David Victor Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 02:09

David Victor