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Spring Reactive - reuse Mono value

I have a sequence of Mono transformations using flatMap. I managed to simplify my production code to this test case:

public void test() {
    AtomicInteger iCounter = new AtomicInteger(1);
    Mono<String> iValueMono = Mono.fromSupplier(() -> {
        int iValue = iCounter.getAndIncrement();
        System.out.println("iValueMono CALL: " + iValue);
        return String.valueOf(iValue);

    Mono<String> resultMono = Mono.just("X")

            .consumeNextWith(result -> assertThat(result).isEqualTo("X11"))

private Function<String, Mono<String>> append(Mono<String> sMono) {
    return s -> sMono.map(v -> s + v);

This prints:

iValueMono CALL: 1
iValueMono CALL: 2

Expected :"X11"
Actual   :"X12"

I thought - I see now that it was incorrect - that each time I map the iValueMono in the append() call, the supplier is re-executed to produces a new value. I cannot change in the production code how the iValueMono is implemented (eg. to make it stateful to store the value). How can I implement this so that the value supplier is only called once and I get the final result "X11"?

Of course, I'm interested in a non-blocking, reactive way to do this.

like image 815
Adam Michalik Avatar asked Mar 05 '23 08:03

Adam Michalik

1 Answers

Using Mono.cache() is the answer:

Turn this Mono into a hot source and cache last emitted signals for further Subscriber.

Using it:

Mono<String> iValueMono = Mono.fromSupplier(() -> {
    int iValue = iCounter.getAndIncrement();
    System.out.println("iValueMono CALL: " + iValue);
    return String.valueOf(iValue);

delivers the desired result of calling the supplier only once.

like image 179
Adam Michalik Avatar answered Mar 12 '23 19:03

Adam Michalik