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Spring OAuth Authorization Server Requires Scope

We're currently using the Spring OAuth Authorization Server but currently do not use the "scope" parameter from the OAuth specification. This has been a bit of a pain point as the Spring OAuth Authorization Server requires that scope be explicitly required when requesting an authorization code.

From DefaultOAuth2RequestValidator:

if (requestScopes.isEmpty()) {
    throw new InvalidScopeException("Empty scope (either the client or the user is not allowed the requested scopes)");

This however goes directly against the OAuth 2.0 specification:

 4.1.1.  Authorization Request

    The client constructs the request URI by adding the following   
 parameters to the query component of the authorization endpoint URI   
 using the "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" format, per Appendix B:

          REQUIRED.  Value MUST be set to "code".

          REQUIRED.  The client identifier as described in Section 2.2.

          OPTIONAL.  As described in Section 3.1.2.

          OPTIONAL.  The scope of the access request as described by
          Section 3.3.

          RECOMMENDED.  An opaque value used by the client to maintain
          state between the request and callback.  The authorization
          server includes this value when redirecting the user-agent back
          to the client.  The parameter SHOULD be used for preventing
          cross-site request forgery as described in Section 10.12.

Is there an explicit reason why the Spring Authorization Server does this? I know that I can replace the validator with my own but I'm curious as to why this is the default in case I'm missing any understanding other than it being this way for legacy reasons.

Thank you.


For those looking for an alternative implementation that follows the specification, here is mine. It simply checks that if the client is restricted to certain scopes, only then the requested scope is required and that the requested scope must be in the list of assigned client scopes. If the client has no assigned scopes, this implementation assumes they are allowed use of any scope (same assumption that is made for resources). Not quite sure yet the implications of this or if it's genuinely correct. Please let me know if it is not.

import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils;
import org.springframework.security.oauth2.common.exceptions.InvalidScopeException;
import org.springframework.security.oauth2.provider.AuthorizationRequest;
import org.springframework.security.oauth2.provider.ClientDetails;
import org.springframework.security.oauth2.provider.TokenRequest;

public class OAuth2RequestValidator
    implements org.springframework.security.oauth2.provider.OAuth2RequestValidator {

  public void validateScope(final AuthorizationRequest authorizationRequest,
      final ClientDetails client)
      throws InvalidScopeException {
    this.validateScope(authorizationRequest.getScope(), client.getScope());

  public void validateScope(final TokenRequest tokenRequest, final ClientDetails client)
      throws InvalidScopeException {
    this.validateScope(tokenRequest.getScope(), client.getScope());

  private void validateScope(
      final Set<String> requestScopes, 
      final Set<String> clientScopes) {
    if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(clientScopes)) {
      if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(requestScopes)) {
        throw new InvalidScopeException(
            "Empty scope (either the client or the user is "
              + "not allowed the requested scopes)");

      for (final String scope : requestScopes) {
        if (!clientScopes.contains(scope)) {
          throw new InvalidScopeException("Invalid scope: " + scope, clientScopes);

like image 502
loesak Avatar asked Sep 28 '16 20:09


People also ask

Is scope required for OAuth2?

You don't necessarily need OAuth2 scopes, and you can handle authentication and authorization however you want. But OAuth2 with scopes can be nicely integrated into your API (with OpenAPI) and your API docs.

What is authorization scope?

Scopes allow you to limit your application's access to user data and to the V3 API endpoints. When your application requests a user's permission to access their data, Constant Contact uses authorization scopes to determine what information your application needs.

How does OAuth authentication work in spring boot?

Spring Security OAuth2 − Implements the OAUTH2 structure to enable the Authorization Server and Resource Server. Spring Security JWT − Generates the JWT Token for Web security. Spring Boot Starter JDBC − Accesses the database to ensure the user is available or not. Spring Boot Starter Web − Writes HTTP endpoints.

1 Answers

According to the DefaultOAuth2RequestFactory, if no scope is supplied by the client, the scope registered for the client will be used.


private Set<String> extractScopes(Map<String, String> requestParameters, String clientId) {
    Set<String> scopes = OAuth2Utils.parseParameterList(requestParameters.get(OAuth2Utils.SCOPE));
    ClientDetails clientDetails = clientDetailsService.loadClientByClientId(clientId);

    if ((scopes == null || scopes.isEmpty())) {
        // If no scopes are specified in the incoming data, use the default values registered with the client
        // (the spec allows us to choose between this option and rejecting the request completely, so we'll take the
        // least obnoxious choice as a default).
        scopes = clientDetails.getScope();

    if (checkUserScopes) {
        scopes = checkUserScopes(scopes, clientDetails);
    return scopes;

So you could configure your client with a default scope of "all" or something similar e.g.

public void configure(ClientDetailsServiceConfigurer clients) throws Exception {
            .authorizedGrantTypes("authorization_code", "client_credentials")
like image 159
apoplexy Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 15:10
