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Spring MVC tutorial from the scratch [closed]

People also ask

Is Spring MVC still used?

@PanadolChong accomodate Spring MVC is still used in some legacy applications, and Spring boot does majority of the configurations under-hood so to have a better understanding of how things work internally, Spring MVC might help.

Is Spring MVC easy?

To answer your questions, Spring is easy to learn because the whole framework is designed to work with POJOs, instead of relying on special interfaces, abstract classes or such.

What is Spring MVC example?

Spring MVC is based on Model-View-Controller architecture. Below image shows Spring MVC architecture at a high level. DispatcherServlet is the front controller class to take all requests and start processing them. We have to configure it in web.

UPDATE: Due to amazing effort by the Spring team links posted here stands as sort of outdated. I will advice anyone looking to learn spring from scratch to head over to new awesome guides created by spring team.

Sample codes for the same can be found at Github

Original Answer :

try these links.. hope they are useful. mkyong and vanilla

and ofcourse Spring's own site

ADDED : found this new awesome blog do try this also.. its thorough. :)

hey i also found one new excellent site you can use that one too..

krams tutorials

Hope its helpful.. :)

I started learning Spring MVC using this tutorial: Spring MVC. It explains some of the basic concepts well and is a good place to start.

This tutorial explains basic concepts and provide step by step explanation for implementation.
I started with this one and it really helped me :)