The Case: I've an Organization Object. It has a list of Department Objects, and each Department has a list of Employee Objects.
In JSP, I have a checkbox list that binds a check box to an employee object (deep down 2 hierarchies. That is Organization->Department->Employee).
<input type="checkbox" name="adminDepartmentList[${status.index}].employeeList" value="${employee.firstName}"> <c:out value="${employee.firstName}" /><br>
As you can see:
adminDepartmentList[0].employeeList --> John
adminDepartmentList[2].employeeList --> Rose
The binding is good. After form is submitted, in the controller, I can loop over admin departmentList and find all departments created and find the employees that were created due to the checkbox selection.
The Issue :( The departments are created with null names and non-null employeeList. I cannot find the names of department to which the employeeList belongs :( So how can I pass some department-name so the name gets injected to the department (as it is being created) just like how the ".employeeList" is getting injected to the department.
The Details: To give you the details of my work:
An Organization class has two lists of Departments. A Department class has a list of Employees. Employee has first and last name and hourToWork.
public class Organization{
private long id;
private String name;
private List<Department> adminDepartmentList; //n admin departments
private List<Department> employeeDepartmentList //m employee departments
// default constructor and all getters and setters
public class Department{
private long id;
private String name;
private List<Employee> employeeList; //k employees
//default constructor and all getters and setters
public class Employee{
private long id;
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private int hoursToWork; // to be filled from Spring MVC form
//default contructor and all getters and setters
The list of Departments comes from an API. And all Employees of that department comes from another API.
I am writing a client that enables users to create "customized organizations" by first selecting the departments they are interested in and then for each department that was selected, the user selects a subset of employees from all employees related to that department.
So I have 3 JSP forms:
Organization form (organization.jsp): input field for the name of the organization and a check box list of all departments. User can select a set of Department for the new organization that's being created.
<form:form name='fs' action="department.htm" method='POST' commandName="organization">
Organization Name:
<input type="text" name="name" >
<!-- ============================================================== -->
Departments:<br> Select admin-departments you want.
<div class="checkbox-list">
<%-- Size :<c:out value="${organization.adminDepartmentList.size}"/> --%>
<c:forEach var="i" varStatus="status" items="${organization.adminDepartmentList}">
<input type="checkbox" name="adminDepartmentList" value="${}"> <c:out value="${}" /><br>
<!-- ============================================================== -->
Departments:<br> Select employee-departments you want.
<div class="checkbox-list">
<c:forEach var="i" varStatus="status" items="${organization.employeeDepartmentList}">
<input type="checkbox" name="employeeDepartmentList" value="${}"> <c:out value="${}" /><br>
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-lg btn-primary btn-block">Next Step</button>
Department form (department.jsp): For each of the departments that were selected, this show a check box list of employees to be selected for the department.
<form:form name='f' action="employee.htm" method='POST' commandName="organization">
Organization Name: <c:out value="${}" /><br>
Select Employees you want for your new Departments.
Admin Departments:<br>
<c:forEach var="department" varStatus="status" items="${organization.adminDepartmentList}">
______Dept: <c:out value="${}" /><br>
<div class="checkbox-list">
<c:forEach var="employee" varStatus="status" items="${department.employeeList}">
<input type="checkbox" name="adminDepartmentList[${status.index}].employeeList" value="${employee.firstName}"> <c:out value="${employee.firstName}" /><br>
Employee Departments:<br>
<c:forEach var="department" varStatus="status" items="${organization.employeeDepartmentList}">
______Dept: <c:out value="${}" /><br>
<div class="checkbox-list">
<c:forEach var="employee" varStatus="status" items="${department.employeeList}">
<input type="checkbox" name="employeeDepartmentList[${status.index}].employeeList" value="${employee.firstName}"> <c:out value="${employee.firstName}" /><br>
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-lg btn-primary btn-block">Next Step</button>
Employee form (employee.jsp): For each of the employee that was selected in Department Form, this shows the employee name and a field to enter the hours that will be assigned to that employee.
The Employee Controller (the one that's getting null department-name)
@RequestMapping(value = "/employee", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String product_post(@ModelAttribute("organization") Organization organization, HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response, BindingResult result, ModelMap model) {
System.out.println("=========== POST Employee CONTROLLER===============");
//STEP 1. show me which employees are selected for each admin department.
List<Department> adminDepartments = organization.getAdminDepartmentList();
for(Department dept: adminDepartments){
System.out.println("Admin Dept name::: " + dept.getName()); //<-----------Name Comes as null :(
List<Employee> employeeList = dept.getEmployeeList();
for(Employee emp: employeeList){
System.out.println("Employee::"+ emp.getFirstName());
//STEP 2. show me which employees are selected for each employee department.
List<Department> employeeDepartments = organization.getEmployeeDepartmentList();
for(Department dept: employeeDepartments){
System.out.println("Employee Dept name::: " + dept.getName()); //<----------Name Comes as null :(
List<Employee> employeeList = dept.getEmployeeList();
for(Employee emp: employeeList){
System.out.println("Employee::"+ emp.getFirstName());
model.addAttribute("organization", organization);
return "employee";
The Known: I understand why is not being injected, but I'm not sure how to solve it. How do I inject the department name from the outer loop to the inner loop that runs over the employee list in the below c:foreach? Or how to somehow bind it to each employee. I'm suspecting it's here:
Admin Departments:<br>
<c:forEach var="department" varStatus="status" items="${organization.adminDepartmentList}">
______Dept: <c:out value="${}" /><br>
<div class="checkbox-list">
<c:forEach var="employee" varStatus="status" items="${department.employeeList}">
<input type="checkbox" name="adminDepartmentList[${status.index}].employeeList" value="${employee.firstName}"> <c:out value="${employee.firstName}" /><br>
I tried hidden input to help create named departments but it didn't help.
The Credits:
For simplicity, assume FirstName for employee is unique. And is also unique. Thanks.
Spring MVC provides one more annotation, @ModelAttributes , for binding data to the Command object. It is another way to bind the data and to customize the data binding.
To help you with that task, Spring provides a convenient template class called RestTemplate . RestTemplate makes interacting with most RESTful services a one-line incantation. And it can even bind that data to custom domain types.
Data binding is useful for allowing user input to be dynamically bound to the domain model of an application (or whatever objects you use to process user input). Spring provides the so-called DataBinder to do exactly that.
The News: Oh wow, Holy Moly Cow, I solved it.
The Missing Part: hidden input that tells what department to create and what name to inject to it.
<form:hidden path="adminDepartmentList[${statusDepartment.index}].name" value="${}" />
Injecting department name to each of the department that was being created by spring.
The Whole Solution: department.jsp
<form:form name='f' action="employee.htm" method='POST' commandName="organization">
Organization Name: <c:out value="${}" /><br>
Select Employees you want for your new Departments.
Admin Departments:<br>
<c:forEach var="department" varStatus="statusDepartment" items="${organization.adminDepartmentList}">
______Dept: <c:out value="${}" /><br>
<div class="checkbox-list">
<form:hidden path="adminDepartmentList[${statusDepartment.index}].name" value="${}" />
<c:forEach var="employee" varStatus="statusEmployee" items="${department.employeeList}">
<form:checkbox path="adminDepartmentList[${statusDepartment.index}].employeeList" value="${employee.firstName}"/> <c:out value="${employee.firstName}" /><br>
Employee Departments:<br>
<c:forEach var="department" varStatus="statusDepartment" items="${organization.employeeDepartmentList}">
______Dept: <c:out value="${}" /><br>
<div class="checkbox-list">
<form:hidden path="employeeDepartmentList[${statusDepartment.index}].name" value="${}" />
<c:forEach var="employee" varStatus="statusEmployee" items="${department.employeeList}">
<form:checkbox path="employeeDepartmentList[${statusDepartment.index}].employeeList" value="${employee.firstName}"/> <c:out value="${employee.firstName}" /><br>
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-lg btn-primary btn-block">Next Step</button>
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