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spring MongoRepository Query regex

I´m looking to use a regular expresion using MongoRepository inside a Query annotation. The only information that I found so far is a Chinese post but do not explain how make it works, and I´m not sure if is what I´m looking for.

@Query("{ 'name':{'$regex':?2,'$options':'i'}, sales': {'$gte':?1,'$lte':?2}}") public Page findByNameAndAgeRange(String name,double ageFrom,double ageTo,Pageable page);

Somebody know if it possible use a specific regex in the query?


like image 618
paul Avatar asked May 24 '13 07:05


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1 Answers

i toggles case insensitivity, and allows all letters in the pattern to match upper and lower cases.

Read more about $regex in MongoDB docs.

In your query it looks like you have mixed up something with parameters order (?2 in name regex). I believe it should be:

@Query("{ 'name':{$regex:?0,$options:'i'}, sales': {$gte:?1,$lte:?2}}") 
public Page findByNameAndAgeRange(String name,double ageFrom,double ageTo,Pageable page);
like image 81
Maciej Walkowiak Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 10:11

Maciej Walkowiak