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Spring data JPA for returning specific fields

Does Spring Data have a mechanism for returning specific fields?

I'm familiar with the syntax:

Invoice findByCode(String code);

How about this:

Integer findIdByCode(String code);

which returns the id field only. Or

Tuple findIdAndNameByCode(String code);

which returns a tuple. Or

Invoice findIdAndNameByCode(String code);

which returns an entity only populated with specific fields. Can use a constructor taking only those field if defined - else construct empty and populate the fields.


To qualify some more, I'm aware of solutions like @Query, constructor expressions and now, @NamedEntityGraph. My question is simply - does Spring data support such a shorthand syntax as I'm suggesting?

If not, perhaps this is a cool enhancement for a later version...

I'm not looking for workarounds.

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Gilbert Avatar asked May 22 '15 12:05


2 Answers

You can use JPQL Constructor Expressions:

SELECT NEW com.company.PublisherInfo(pub.id, pub.revenue, mag.price)
    FROM Publisher pub JOIN pub.magazines mag WHERE mag.price > 5.00

The constructor name must be fully qualified

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Robert Niestroj Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 12:09

Robert Niestroj

Not sure if what you're trying to achieve is the same as using multiple projections on the same JPA generated query (where method name are the same). I have posted an answer in this post.


So I've managed to figure out how to use multiple projections with a single query.

<T> T getByUsername(String username, Class<T> projection) This allows the method caller to specified the type of projection to be

applied to the query.

To further improve this so it is less prone to error, I made a blank interface that the projection will have to extend in order to be able to insert class into the parameter.

public interface JPAProjection {

public interface UserRepository extends CrudRepository<UserAccount, Long> {
    <T extends JPAProjection > T getByUsername(String username, Class<? extends JPAProjection> projection);

Projection Interface

public interface UserDetailsProjection extends JPAProjection{
    String getUsername();

    String getFirstname();

    String getLastname();

Then I can call the query method by

getByUsername("...", UserDetailsProjection.class)
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XPLOT1ON Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 12:09