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Spring data for Amazon DynamoDB

We are starting to use Amazon web services. As I was searching for a Spring library, but couldn't find anything. Is this a case of there has been a decision made to not include this functionality or has no one provided any code. Is there any interested in having a spring-data-dynamodb?

like image 871
Norris Avatar asked Mar 10 '17 15:03


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Maven Dependencies Add the following dependencies to start working with DynamoDB using Spring Data: Spring Data JPA. AWS Java SDK DynamoDB.

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Compared to other NoSQL databases, AWS DynamoDB supports data models like key-value pair (see figure below), and document data structures such as JSON, XML and HTML.

1 Answers

there are plenty of examples out of there. Take a look at this one: It should be very interesting: https://github.com/michaellavelle/spring-data-dynamodb


That project is out to date right now, you should use this one: https://github.com/derjust/spring-data-dynamodb

like image 144
Maximilien Belinga Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 21:10

Maximilien Belinga