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spring-cloud with ribbon/eureka/hystrix using restTemplate unable to set connect/read timeouts



I have built a spring boot application using spring-cloud and want to use RestTemplate within my client application (which is also a microservice) so that I can continue using mockMvc for integration testing. I am a using the default ribbon/eureka/hystrix client setup with my client microservice and eureka client within the service I'm calling. This is working (once I figured out that serviceIds are what identifies a service endpoint within restTemplate). My problem is that I cant seem to change the restTemplate read nor connection timeout from what seems like a default of 300ms.

Details on the call:

public class Application { ... public static void main(String[] args) {} ... }

class EricComponentToDoHystrix {   // apparently this has to be a component for hystrix to work btw
    RestTemplate restTemplate;
    public void doRestTemplateCall() 
        ResponseEntity<String> result = restTemplate.getForEntity("http://someservice/doSomething", String.class);  // actually make a call

with an application.properties containing:

        - someservice

    #listOfServers: localhost:7080
    #NIWSServerListClassName: com.netflix.niws.loadbalancer.DiscoveryEnabledNIWSServerList

    # the eureka vipAddress of the target service (Disabled)
    DeploymentContextBasedVipAddresses: someservice

    # Interval to refresh the server list from the source
    ServerListRefreshInterval: 1000

    # Connect timeout used by Apache HttpClient.. apparently not by restTemplate 
    ConnectTimeout: 30000

    # Read timeout used by Apache HttpClient.. apparently not by restTemplate
    ReadTimeout: 30000

    #Region where eureka is deployed -For AWS specify one of the AWS regions, for other datacenters specify a arbitrary string
    #indicating the region.This is normally specified as a -D option (eg) -Deureka.region=us-east-1
    region: default

    #For eureka clients running in eureka server, it needs to connect to servers in other zones
    preferSameZone: false

      availabilityZones: default

    #Virtual host name by which the clients identifies this service
    virtualHostName: ${spring.application.name}
    appGroupName: ericGroup

# disable Ribbon's cicruit breaker and rely soley on Hystrix.
# this helps to avoid confusion.
# see https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon/issues/15
      filterCircuitTripped: false

Anybody know what properties I need so set to modify restTemplate's default timeouts? Documentation is very light on this subject and it seems the code just recently even allowed restTemplate to be used against ribbon/eureka spring boot defaults. Perhaps this has not been built yet.

like image 352
RubesMN Avatar asked Oct 09 '14 18:10


2 Answers

The RestTemplate you are injecting is completely vanilla except for a RibbonInterceptor that chooses the physical host in the URI for you (see https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-netflix/blob/master/spring-cloud-netflix-core/src/main/java/org/springframework/cloud/netflix/ribbon/RibbonAutoConfiguration.java). The timeouts and other properties are controlled in the RestTemplate through the ClientHttpRequest. You probably should just inject the RibbonInterceptor into your own RestTemplate and set up a ClientHttpRequestFactory to do the timeouts, e.g.

class EricComponentToDoHystrix {
    private RestTemplate restTemplate;
    public EricComponentToDoHystrix(RibbonInterceptor interceptor) {
         restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
like image 77
Dave Syer Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 08:11

Dave Syer

Since I can't comment, I'll answer. The RestTemplate integration only uses the Ribbon LoadBalancer, not RestClient or NFHttpClient.

You no longer need spring.cloud.client.serviceIds, btw. If it is in docs, I'll remove it.

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spencergibb Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 07:11
