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Spring Cloud Feign + Sleuth + Zipkin - original request is required

I have multiservices application which is using Spring Cloud OpenFeign. Now I have to use zipkin with that app. I remember that when i had app without Feign I just added Sleuth and Zipkin starters dependencies and run zipkin server on port 9411. After that Zipkin worked well.. But now, when i try same in my app with Feign i get error 500 "original request is required". I guess that Feign has some problems with headers when Sleuth add traces informations. Can you help me fix this?

like image 938
ilovespring Avatar asked Jan 02 '23 09:01


1 Answers

It's hard to tell without more information. But it can be related to incompatible libraries. Can you post your dependencies?

In case you are using older version of okhttpclient with latest spring cloud:greenwich it can cause this issue.

I'm using Greenwich.RELEASE with okhttpclient:10.2.0 which works without problems

like image 61
Michal Říčan Avatar answered Jan 05 '23 14:01

Michal Říčan