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spring-boot without @SpringBootApplication

I am attempting to migrate a spring, non-boot, app to a boot app. The current one builds a war file. Following these instructions, I am walking through the steps to migrate.

I am finding that the @SpringBootApplication annotation forces a lot of things to fail. For instance, it tries to auto config security when I really need the existing xml security config to remain as is. I found that I can override @EnableAutoConfiguration and exclude configuration classes (.i.e. SecurityAutoConfiguration.class). But I am finding it is doing this a great deal for the items I already have on my classpath. I decided it would be better to remove @SpringBootApplication and replace it with just @Configuration, @ComponentScan and @ImportResource to load my original context xml. The class extends SpringBootServletInitializer so that I can register my custom servlets and filters.

What I have found, it now no longer knows to load the application.yml or bootstrap.yml. What triggers auto configuration of these files? Do I fall back to loading with the traditional properties placeholder configurers? I want to avoid this as the next step is to hook it up to spring cloud config to centralize the management of the application configuration.

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dmfrey Avatar asked Oct 22 '15 21:10


1 Answers

@SpringBootApplication is a alternative for @Configuration, @EnableAutoConfiguration and @ComponentScan.

Probably you want use @Configuration + @ComponentScan. If you want load xml configuration you can use: @ImportResource annotation.

If you want use autoconfiguration, but you can disable a few auto configurations, eg: @EnableAutoConfiguration(exclude={DataSourceAutoConfiguration.class})


  • http://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/using-boot-auto-configuration.html
  • http://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/using-boot-configuration-classes.html
  • http://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/using-boot-using-springbootapplication-annotation.html
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krynio Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 23:10
