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Spring boot web application not working with oracle wallet

I am working on spring boot on both command line runner and web application. Both applications require to be implemented with oracle wallet, so I implemented the oracle wallet. The command line runner is able to connect to database using spring jdbc template using oracle datasource but same configuration is not been able to create the bean for datasource object. When same has been implemented with database user name and password, I am able to connect.

I am taking help from this post - [Connect to Oracle DB from Spring-jdbc with Oracle Wallet authentification

with code similar to,

System.setProperty("oracle.net.tns_admin", "path/to/your/tnsnames");

OracleDataSource ds = new OracleDataSource();

Properties props = new Properties();
props.put("oracle.net.wallet_location", "(source=(method=file)(method_data=(directory=path/to/your/wallet)))");
ds.setConnectionProperties( props );
ds.setURL("jdbc:oracle:thin:/@dbAlias"); //dbAlias should match what's in your tnsnames

return ds;

I have all my properties set from application.properties of boot application and I am getting null pointer exception on creating the datasource.

Any pointer or help in this regard will be much appreciated.

like image 956
sandipkbhaumik Avatar asked May 16 '17 05:05


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How do I find my Oracle wallet path?

Open the sqlnet. ora file, and use the ENCRYPTION_WALLET_LOCATION parameter to specify the Oracle Wallet Location. CAUTION: The wallet location directory must have an absolute path and end with a right parenthesis. Verify that there are no invisible characters at the end of the directory path.

2 Answers

After trying, I could figure out what we need to do when we need to include oracle wallet in spring boot.

1. In application.properties put two properties,
   A> spring.datasource.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:/@<DB_ALIAS_NAME>
   B> spring.datasource.driver-class-name=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver

2. On boot runner/configuration class, 
   A> Define the dataSource bean like this,

   public DataSource dataSource() {
       OracleDataSource dataSource = null;
       try {
           dataSource = new OracleDataSource();
           Properties props = new Properties();
           String oracle_net_wallet_location = 
           props.put("oracle.net.wallet_location", "(source=(method=file)(method_data=(directory="+oracle_net_wallet_location+")))");
       } catch(Exception e) {
       return dataSource;

   B> Define the jdbcTemplate bean as follows,

   public JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate(DataSource dataSource) {
       JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource());
       return jdbcTemplate;

3. Now we need to set jvm arguments in boot runner class like as follows,
   -Doracle.net.wallet_location=<PATH_TO_WALLET_DIR> -Doracle.net.tns_admin=<PATH_TO_WALLET_DIR>
   Note - <WALLET_DIR> should contain .sso, .p12 and .ora files. On external 
   server like tomcat, set above two variables on catalina.sh or catalina.bat 
   depending on your environment OS.

I hope this helps.
like image 199
sandipkbhaumik Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 19:11


add below in application properties 


Also pom entry as follows : - 

like image 29
vensan Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 17:11
