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Spring Boot insert sample data into database upon startup

What is the right way for creating test data upon server startup and inserting them into the database (I'm using a JPA/JDBC backed Postgres instance).

Preferably in form of creating Entities and having them persisted through a Repository interface rather than writing plain SQL code. Something like RoR's Rake db:seed helper.

If the framework exposes a hook for doing stuff when all the beans have been injected and the database is ready, that could also work.

like image 712
Paghillect Avatar asked Jun 25 '17 18:06


3 Answers

You can catch ApplicationReadyEvent then insert demo data, for example:

public class DemoData {

    private final EntityRepository repo;

    public void appReady(ApplicationReadyEvent event) {

        repo.save(new Entity(...));

Or you can implement CommandLineRunner or ApplicationRunner, to load demo data when an application is fully started:

public class DemoData implements CommandLineRunner {

    private final EntityRepository repo;

    public void run(String...args) throws Exception {

        repo.save(new Entity(...));

public class DemoData implements ApplicationRunner {

    private final EntityRepository repo;

    public void run(ApplicationArguments args) throws Exception {

        repo.save(new Entity(...));

Or even implement them like a Bean right in your Application (or other 'config') class:

public class Application {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);

    public CommandLineRunner demoData(EntityRepository repo) {
        return args -> { 

            repo.save(new Entity(...));
like image 171
Cepr0 Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 20:11


From Spring documentation: http://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/1.5.4.RELEASE/reference/htmlsingle/#howto-database-initialization

Initialize a database using Hibernate A file named import.sql in the root of the classpath will be executed on startup if Hibernate creates the schema from scratch (that is if the ddl-auto property is set to create or create-drop). This can be useful for demos and for testing if you are careful, but probably not something you want to be on the classpath in production. It is a Hibernate feature (nothing to do with Spring).

like image 23
Moshe Arad Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 18:11

Moshe Arad

You can do like this

    public class H2Application {

        public static void main(String[] args) {
            SpringApplication.run(H2Application.class, args);

        CommandLineRunner init (StudentRepo studentRepo){
            return args -> {
                List<String> names = Arrays.asList("udara", "sampath");
                names.forEach(name -> studentRepo.save(new Student(name)));
like image 4
Udara S.S Liyanage Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 20:11

Udara S.S Liyanage