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Spring Boot @ControllerAdvice exception handler not firing

I had the following controller advice set up, to return an APIs contract for error conditions:

public class ExceptionHandler : ResponseEntityExceptionHandler()
    public fun onException(ex: Throwable): ResponseEntity<ErrorResponse>
        val errorResponse = ErrorResponse(
           response = ResponseHeader(ex.responseCode(), ex.message))
        return ResponseEntity(errorResponse, HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED);


It was working fine and then stopped working. Now all exceptions are routed to BasicErrorController, which returns the following format:

  "timestamp" : 1450495303166,
  "status" : 403,
  "error" : "Forbidden",
  "message" : "Access Denied",
  "path" : "/profile/candidates"

The above is a nice opinionated starting point, but now it won't get out of the way.

  • I've tried replacing the error handlers with one instance of ExceptionHandlerExceptionResolver but that didn't work.
  • I've tried making my own CustomErrorHandler, but that also wasn't suitable since the original exception is no longer in the HttpServletRequest by the time it re-routes to the custom error controller. This information is needed in order to return an appropriate response to the client.

How to I:

  • Make SpringBoot not forward exceptions to an exception controller.
  • Restore @ControllerAdvice exception handlers, so that I can just return an appropriate response body and status code.

On startup spring logs:

main] .m.m.a.ExceptionHandlerExceptionResolver : Detected @ExceptionHandler methods in exceptionHandler
main] .m.m.a.ExceptionHandlerExceptionResolver : Detected @ExceptionHandler methods in responseEntityExceptionHandler


After reading through the Spring Boot docs, I under stand now that the BasicErrorController is only supposed to fire for any exceptions not handled by a @ControllerAdvice. This appears not to be happening. So the question is why?

like image 868
Jasper Blues Avatar asked Dec 19 '15 03:12

Jasper Blues

1 Answers

I also have a Spring Security filter that evaluates API-Key and Access-Token header credentials. @ControllerAdvice doesn't work here - fair enough, given we're not dealing with a controller endpoint!

Use EntryPoint and AcessDeniedHandler to handle exceptions from security filters. There are can be configured inside:


And configure FailureHandler if you extends AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter in your filter.


Afaik ErrorController will be overwritten if you will deploy your application under application server.

like image 194
Ruslan Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 21:11
