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Spring, abstract class and annotations




I've got a pretty simple abstract class

public abstract class AbstractServiceActions {      @Autowired     protected DatabaseModel dbModel;      protected User user;     protected boolean complete;     protected String serviceResult;      public AbstractServiceActions(User user) {         this.user = user;         this.serviceResult = "";     }      public abstract String doAction();     } 

Now you can see, I'm trying to autowire the DatabaseModel. But in my extended class I only recieve null for the dbModel.

@Component public class CreateDatabaseAction extends AbstractServiceActions { .... } 

Question: Am I trying something impossible here?

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onigunn Avatar asked May 27 '10 14:05


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Annotating an interface with @Component is common for Spring classes, particularly for some Spring stereotype annotations : package org. springframework.

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1 Answers

Your setup seems fine. The reason perhaps lies elsewhere. Maybe you are instantiating the class with new CreateDatabaseAction(), rather than letting spring do this.

like image 117
Bozho Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 11:09
