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Spring 5 Reporting

On the changelog for Spring Framework 5, it states that they removed the compatibility for JasperReports. What reporting tool can I use, that will be compatible with Spring FW 5?

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Francisco Godienski Hansen Avatar asked Nov 13 '17 18:11

Francisco Godienski Hansen

People also ask

What is difference between Spring 4 and Spring 5?

Usage of JDK 8 features So Spring 4 had to support Java 6, 7 and 8. To maintain the backward compatibility, Spring framework didn't adapted many new features which Java 8 brought with itself e.g. Lambda programming. Spring 5 has baseline version 8, so it uses many new features of Java 8 and 9 as well. e.g.

1 Answers

https://jira.spring.io/browse/SPR-13294 From the ticket

we rather recommend native use of the JasperReports API in Spring MVC handler methods, generating reports from specifically designed RESTful endpoints. We are dropping our now semi-useless JasperReports view class hierarchy as of Spring Framework 5.0. Note that our existing support against the deprecated JRExporter API remains around in the Spring Framework 4.3.x line until 2019, in particular for existing applications. However, even with 4.3, native use of the JasperReports API is worth considering.

You should use JasperReport but avoid using JRExporter. So just manually add all the JasperReport libraries and create reports when you need them. The Jasper Report generation code could be called by your own endpoints.

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StanislavL Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 01:10
